Monday, June 14, 2021

Miss January: Well what shall I do with the costume? Matt Helm: Drop it in the ashtray.


Hey pallies, likes searchin' for  more 'n more Dino-treasure a la Matt Helm on the ol' world wide web, likes we felt so so deeply delightedly Dino-directed to a blog pad tagged "CMH" - "Classic Movie Hub" where we happened 'pon a perfect post awesomely accentin' some of our most most beloved Dino's coolly classic quotations from Helmer numero duo, "Murders' Row."  

Likes it is likes fantastic fun to sit back and groove on our King of Cool's powerfully potent patter as Matt Helm aka Jim Peters in what we have always always considered the bestest of the best of the quartet of Helmers... none other then "Murders' Row" with the loviest of lovely lady Miss Ann-Margret. Enjoys our Dino makin' funny and likes we are wonderin' which of these Dino-isms is your fav dudes?!?!?!  Likes we have tagged this here Dino-gram with our fav...Miss January: Well what shall I do with the costume?   Matt Helm: Drop it in the ashtray.

And pallies, likes as we were searchin' this "Class Movie Hub" we discovered that it is a veritable groovy goldmine of Dino-treasures to be mined and shared with all youse likes stay tuned for mucho more Dino-delights!  ilovedinomartin gives our hats off to the pallies at "CMH" for sharin' so so much Dino-pleasure in one location on the ol' world wide web.  To checks today's Dino-quotations out in their original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: [after a bomb has blown up near a picture of Frank Sinatra] Sorry Frank.


Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: [as Matt Helm and Suzie are being shot at by French cops] That's the French for you. They don't think any girl is innocent.


Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: [having dispatched of Ironhead] I hate a guy that wears jewelry.


Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: [to Ironhead] "Crazy fraternity ring. What? Phi Beta Ripper or something?"


Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: [under arrest by the French police] Now, wait just a doggone minute. I have some rights, too. I'm an American citizen.

Police Capt. Deveraux: We will play the Star-Spangled Banner while you are in the electric chair.

Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: Ahhhh - then I have to stand up!


Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: Just remember, Suzie, nobody dies for nothing. Not me, not your father, nobody.

Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: This is dancing?

Suzie Solaris: It's called a discotheque. You want to try?

Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: Well, I don't disc...


Matt Helm: [Suzie is kissing his face all over] Easy, I get a little ticklish west of the Mississippi.


Matt Helm: What a way to finish. For a guy that drank booze all his life to end up like a milkshake.

Miss January: Well what shall I do with the costume?

Matt Helm: Drop it in the ashtray.


Billy Orcutt: I demand an explanation. What is the meaning of this nocturnal assignation?

Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: Is he rehearsing for a play?


Suzie Solaris: [as they're being picked up by helicopter, Suzie pulls down Matt's pants to reveal his shorts] Polka dot shorts?

Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: It's the only way to fly.


Dean Martin

Suzie Solaris: He's yawing!

Matt Helm: I don't feel so good myself.


Slaygirl: We're here if you need us.

Matt Helm aka Jim Peters: I got the wife with me!




  1. HaHa! The “ashtray” one is DEF Classic Helm! I always got a kick in the head with the “I don’t disc” line too. Hahaha!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we alway seems to be on the same Dino-page. I thinks that our most beloved Dino has the bestest of best one liners in the bestest of best Helmers...."Murders' Row."
