Thursday, June 24, 2021

Museum’s open house celebration coincides with Dean Martin Festival


Hey pallies, likes we interrupt our previously scheduled Dino-grams  to reverently report a beautiful bit of  delightful Dino-news comin' from Dino-fest 2021 in our most beloved Dino's hometown of Steubenville, Ohio.  Likes almost everythin' else in the Dino-universe, Dino-fest did not happen in 2020, but it makes it's return this Thursday through Saturday, June 24-26.

Likes below is an awesome article scribed by Ms. Janice Kaiski (center in the pix on the left) who is the Community Editor of The Weirton Daily Times.  Tagged "Museum’s open house celebration coincides with Dean Martin Festival," this perfect prose shares times and details 'bout the Dean Martin Room at the Jefferson County Historical Association at 426 Franklin Avenue in Stu-ville.        This is certainly a pad that we wanna earnestly explore when we have op to make Dino-pilgrimage to our most beloved Dino's place of birth.  We largely loves the photo swankly shared of a portion of the absolutely awesome amount of Dino-treasures on display in this terrific trib to our King of Cool.

We swankly salute all the pallies at The Weirton Daily Times, 'specially Ms. Janice Kaiski who put this  Dino-news together for their readership.  It totally totally thrills our Dino-hearts to know that our main man's hometown is keepin' the Dino-light glowin' ever Dino-bright to keep the Dino-legacy alive and well.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply click on the tag of this Dino-gram dudes...........

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Museum’s open house celebration coincides with Dean Martin Festival

Dean Martin Room at museum features variety of memorabilia

EXTENDING MUSEUM HOSPITALITY — Charlie Green, first vice president of the Jefferson County Historical Association, stands in the Dean Martin room at the association’s museum located at 426 Franklin Ave., Steubenville. The second-story room features a variety of Martin memorabilia and welcomes visitors to its open house celebration this week, which coincides with the Dean Martin Festival on Thursday through Saturday. Among items on display is a wedding gown Martin’s seamstress mother Angela Crocetti made during the 1940s. -- Janice Kiaski

STEUBENVILLE — The Jefferson County Historical Association will hold its annual open house celebration to coincide with the Dean Martin Festival set for Thursday through Saturday.

On Thursday and Friday, the museum, located at 426 Franklin Ave., Steubenville, will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for visitors and tours. Refreshments will be offered.

On Saturday, the museum will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with trolley rides running to the museum from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Hot dogs, chips and refreshments will be made available to visitors who stop by during those hours. They also can enjoy old photos of Steubenville that will be displayed throughout the yard. Tours of the museum will be available upon request.

The Dean Martin Room on the second floor of the museum will be a focus during this time of celebration. The room will showcase memorabilia of Martin’s life throughout his career. Items of interest include record albums; the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast shows on VHS and documentaries of his life, which can be viewed in the room; pictures of the Rat Pack group; and several photos of family and friends. There also is a tapestry of Dean Martin and friends on the wall, It mimics the mural in the Hollywood Shopping Center.

The association museum is staffed by volunteers and is open every Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for tours. Other times can be arranged by calling the museum in advance at (740) 283-1133. The museum also includes the Vivian Snyder Genealogical Library, which is available for those interested in researching their family history.

Admission to the museum is free, but donations are appreciated. Officers are Judy Brancazio, president; Charlies Green, vice president; Dennis Milko, treasurer; and Sandy Higgs, secretary.




  1. Very cool, pal! I was actually exchangin’ Emails with this very blogs cool cool & totally dedicated Dino-holic, Ed, last week. He mentioned that he & fam might possibly be swingin’ by the Dino-fest this year! Let’s hope that he is on his way there right now...& maybe plannin’ on sharin’ some AWESOME pics or info with us! Let’s hope to hear from Ed soon, either way.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes some day perhaps youse and we mighta be able to speak of our own Dino-pilgrimages to the land of Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous majestic DINO!
