Sunday, October 03, 2021

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Anytime"

 Well, Hey there, friends o' mine! 

Welcome back! 

OMG, what a mental week, pals! 

The Covid finally got me! Yup! 

I tested positive & have been quaranteenin' ever since. 

My son, Nicky G, too. Ugh! 

Not to mention, my mom, Mama G, was in the hospital with her own ailments. Ugh Ugh!! 

Man! I guess youse could say I'ts been a not so pleasant time. 

But guess what, my I am! 

Gonna take a LOT more than that, to keep this Dino-devotee down! Ha! 

Now, all that bein' said...May I invites youse in? 


Grab a seat! 

Stay for a bit. 

Just keep your social distance! Haha!! 

Yes, pallies...this invitation goes out to ALL!!! 

Dino lovers young & old...big & small! 

Join me for a moment of fun! 

A moment of relaxin'! 

A moment to soak in the GREAT GREAT power of Dean! 

Hey pals...that's my offer for youse. Hope it's intriguin'! Hope it brightens your day! Hope I can stop ramblin' & actually get a tune playin'! Hahaha!!! 

I gets a little TOO pumped sometimes, pallies! 

Maybe it's all this time trapped in the house! Haha!! 

O well...what can I say? Today's Serenade just got me in one of those moods, mi amici. 

"Anytime" is just SO SO perfectly reassurin' to me that our BESTEST pal is ALWAYS there when we need him the most! 

If your feelin' blue...if youse is a wee bit lonely....or maybe youse just needs a little extra encouragement! 

Dino is ALWAYS there to help! 

Always there to lighten the load & lead the way through his music & inspiration! 

ANY darn TIME!!! 

Man o I ramblin' again?! Haha!! 

Sorry, pallies! 

Anyways...I grabbed this COOL COOL jam off Dino's 1963 al b um, "Country Style". 

A little "Tex" Martin to make the comin' week sail by. 

Sound good? DEF I NATE LY does! 

OK...let's get to the jammin'!

'Member this one, mi amici! 

It's SURE to get youse through even the toughest times & bluest days. 


1 comment:

  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, so so sorry for youse and Nicky G's dis-ease, and your mama's as well. But wise Dino-phile that youse is, you knows to keep the Dino-tunes spinnin' to comfort you in your time of need.
