Saturday, June 29, 2019

Featured on the Dean Martin Blog today again along with my friend Anne Bradley and her fantastic painting.

Hey pallies, likes Danny-o will be gettin' the last words in on our month long celebration of our most beloved Dino's 102nd anniversary of his descent to earth on June 7, 1917 in his wonderful weekly potent posts tagged Danny G's Sunday Serenade With Dino.  Likes our Dino-holic Danny is always always makin' the scene here at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave  each and every Dino-week of each and every Dino-year with not only a coolest of cool croon from our most beloved Dino, but always perfectly powerful patter a la Dino.  Kudos to youse Danny-o for showin' such completely constant deepest of deep devotion to our Dino for Dino-philes everywhere!

Today on this 29th day of Dino-birthin' month, we are proudly pleased to bring all youse Dino-philes yet 'nother Dino-gram accentin' Deanager crooner Mr. Daire O'Hagan's thank you very much to our humble little ilovedinomartin for our recent Dino-gram sharin' Daire deepest of deep devotion to his "HERO," our one and only Dino that awesomely accented that duo-paintin' of our Dino and Daire powerfully painted by Daire's friend Miss Anne Bradley.

Words of Dino-appreciato canna goes back 'n forth between we and Daire into Dino-forever, but we are always so so perfectly pleased when this youthful Dino-diggin' pallie returns thanks for our small part in supportin' his eager efforts to keeps the Dino-light glowin' 'n growin' through his musical giftin's!   We are totally totally thankful for all of Deanager Daire's deep devotion to our Dino and his neat nod of thanks for our solemn support.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image may contain: 2 people

Daire O'Hagan Music is feeling thankful at Northern Ireland.
Featured on the Dean Martin Blog today again along with my friend Anne Bradley and her fantastic painting 🤭🤭🤭
Thank you for the continued support!! I promise that I will have more music and videos for you all very soon! I got word of a really exciting gig next year today! So all in all it’s been a great Friday !!☺️☺️🎤🎤🎤🎉🎉
(Plus I made it to the gym CrossFit BL😰😰🏋🏻‍♂️)

Hey pallies, likes on this 21st day of our continual cool celebration of…


  1. Loves that we can help Daire, in our own small way, spread the Dino-vibe, while also helpin' spread the Daire-vibe, to all the Dino-holics out there! 2 Dino-birds...One Dino-stone! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, swankly stated pallie..."2 Dino-birds...One Dino-stone! Haha!!" Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
