Sunday, June 30, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "A Hundred Years From Today"

Welcome back, pals!

Young & old...meek & bold...let's ALL come together & listen to this fella named Dino!

Hey...what a cool cool thin' to do, mi amici!

He's our kinda' guy & he ALWAYS has somethin' good to say!

Man o it really the last day of June already?!

Well, pals...I guess it's time to drop the Summer down to low gear...& just cruise.
Gotta stretch this HOT & STICKY season out as much as we can!

I know, I know...Some days gots youse meltin'...feelin' like a snowball on the 4th of July!

But, pallies o's truly worth it!
Not many thins' I dig more than these HOT HOT days of COOL COOL outdoor Dino-tunes!

Whether I'm chillin' with a friend...or floatin' 'round a pool...I ALWAYS gots Dean providin' the days soundtrack.

Dino & Summer go together like bread & butter, pals.
Let's soak it all in!

After's these HOT Dino-diggin' memories that is gonna keep us warm all year long, my friends!

Now...let's get to this week's Serenade!

I've really been thinkin'...this whole month...'bout how TRULY awesome it is...that after ALL these years...ALL this time...the name Dean Martin...STILL carries SO SO much happiness, fun & respect!

Man, mi amici...that's impressive to me!

We STILL hear his songs on TV commercials...4 this holiday season alone!

STILL see his movies regularly!

And even in today's high tech world of the internet...are flooded with new stories, tributes, & birthday wishes!
Not to mention his very own festival...numerous impersonators...& countless new & old performers givin' thanks & showin' gratitude.

That ALL says a lot, my friends.

Well, the curtain falls on 'nother GREAT GREAT month long tribute to "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth"... let's ponder if Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Crocetti could ever have imagined, that on that GREAT GREAT & BLESSED day...June 7th, 1917...their bouncin' & swingin' baby boy...would STILL be praised..."A Hundred Years From Today"!



  1. We have now officially entered July, can you believe it! It seems the summer is ramping up with the hot and humid weather, but we did ask for it in the winter time. There is nothing better then sitting back and relaxing, or taking a nice swim to beat the heat. A wonderful pick this week Danny G., nothing better then Dino to melt away the stress!

    Have a great week and stay cool.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, once 'gain a perfectly perfecto Dino-croon to end our marvelous month of Dino-birthday celebratin'....and we knows that in 'nother hundred years our Dino's light will be shinin' bolder 'n brighter then ever and certainly youse is doin' your part to make that a Dino-reality! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our marvelous mighty magnificent DINO!
