Friday, June 28, 2019

Happy Birthday, Dean Martin! It was his lack of gracefulness that probably made him one of the most graceful entertainers of all time.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, suit
Hey pallies, likes welcome back to Day 28 for more delightful Dino-devotion as the Dino-centric festivities are our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave continue to accent the 102nd anniversary of our most beloved Dino's descent to planet earth on June 7, 1917, the Dino-day that we loves to tag the Day That Coolness Came To Earth.  Likes today we are pleasantly pleased to share some swank sharin' of Dino-amore from the Facebook pad of one Mr. Greg Parker (pictured on the left).  Greg is the co-anchor the morning news at ABC-7 in Southwest Florida, and obviously a deep deep devotee of our King of Cool.

Likes below is the Dino-gram that Parker shared warmly wishin' our Dino a Happy Birthday and sharin' an incredibly intriguin' observation that we chose to tag today's Dino-messsage to all youse Dino-philes.  Greg sez, "It was his lack of gracefulness that probably made him one of the most graceful entertainers of all time."  We deeply digs how small screen newsman Mr. Greg Parker has fantastically framed our wonderful way of entertainin' the marvelous masses and welcomin' 'em into his wonderful world.  And, likes we greatly greatly grooves on the Dino-image that Greg has chosen to of the coolest of the cool Dino-poses ever!

We share our energetic excitement for Mr. Greg Parker's lovin'ly liftin' up the life 'n legacy of our most beloved Dino in this wonderful way and helpin' grow Dino-delight in Greg's facebook family....likes every beautiful bit of Dino-appreciato helps to keeps others growin' and glowin' in our main man.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters
Happy Birthday, Dean Martin!
It was his lack of gracefulness that probably made him one of the most graceful entertainers of all time.
He hated rehearsals, he made up lyrics in the middle of songs, and he fell over everything.
He perfected the art of organized chaos and was always the coolest and most confident, and certainly, the most beloved, entertainer in the room.
Dean Martin, the King of Cool, born 102 years ago today.


  1. Love that! Greg sounds like a cool Dino-dude. "Organized chaos". Haha!! Yup! That's our pal!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, our most beloved Dino had a marvelous method to his swank style of entertainin' and it worked wonders each and every Dino-time! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
