Sunday, February 24, 2019

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'm In The Mood For Love"

Well we is! Windin' down 'nother Dino-Amore Month.
 I know...I know. It's a little bittersweet.

 But fear not ol' pals o mine!

We still gots 4 more GLORIOUS days to soak it in &...not to mention...ONLY 24 DAYS 'TIL SPRING!!!

So, here I am...ponderin'...not ONLY which COOL COOL CROON to cap off the month's Serenades with, but...which COOL COOL VID to use!!!

 Man o man...what a dilemma!!!

OK...I thinks there's really just ONE tune that can send Dino-Amore Month off with a bang..."I'm In The Mood For Love"!!!

Dosen't get ANY simpler than that, pals!

 Dean's tellin' us EX ACT LY how he feels & the LOVE VIBE is DEF I NATE LY in the air!!

Quick...go grab your BESTEST somebody...They GOTTA hear this one!!!

 Now...which vid?

Well, mi amici...there's only one vid that's REALLY grabbin' my eye.

I thinks I can speak for us all, when I say, Dean's live vids are the best.

I feel like he's right here with me!
 Still croonin' & swoonin'!
Laughin' & smilin'!

 Tellin' me, "Pay attention, kid!
This is what life's ALL 'bout"


 It's the truth, pals!

 Everythin' else comes far behind.

OK, my friends...let's pull it down a notch.
 Take this one real easy like.

As we slip outta Dino-Amore month, this week, & into March...let's do it with Dino's peaceful vibe.

Likes I said...Spring is right 'round the corner.
And with Spring...just like with Dean...LOVE is in the air!

 It's been my pleasure sharin' all these EXTRA special Dino-tunes!

Can hardly wait 'til next year!

See youse in March, pallies!


  1. What a great Dino-Amore month of tunes Danny G., February can be a tough time, with old man winter in full force but you managed to get us all through it. I can't believe it is almost March and only a few short weeks to spring weather, hopefully. lol

    Thank you my friend for keeping this great tradition going strong!

    Have a great week.


  2. I'm glad you're here, even after all this time!
