Sunday, March 03, 2019

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Once Upon A Time, It Happened"

Good mornin', pals!

Welcome to March!

 Man o man...Winter is sailin' on by...& I couldn't be more excited to see it go!

 Now don't get me wrong, my friends.

I LOVES the whole December Christmassy vibe!

The chilly nights of January!

 Even the blizzardy days of February!

 But...dear pallies o' mine...come March...I'm LONGIN' for warm Spring poppin' up & birdies makin' their nests!

 DEF I NATE LY my FAVE time of year, mi amici.

Well...we is gettin' there.
Only 17 days to go!

 Now I know, it's not an instant change of weather...just 'cause the calendar says so.
 I live in Massachusetts. I knows the deal. IS a state of mind, pals!
 For me anyway.

Time for new beginins'.
Rebirth & All the BEA U TI FUL thins' it has to offer!

 Now just add a little...or a lot...of Dino, to that mix...& BOOM!
 It's Spring!

 It's truly a blessin', how Dean's tunes can create such an atmosphere.

 No matter what time of year...he seems to have a WONDERFUL jam that just sets the mood.

So, pallies o' I sit here typin' the middle of two snowstorms, hittin' us this weekend...I have peaceful thoughts in mind...& warm Springtime days in my soul. what Dino-croon to play?

Well, pals...just so happens that I was fortunate 'nough to hear from one of our BESTEST followers of this COOL COOL little blog...Ms. AOW!

 She was kind 'nough & cool 'nough to lay some AWESOME Dino-tunes on me...& one that I don't thinks I've heard before!

 Now this relaxin' little jam just got me SO SO mellow & at peace...that I was the PERFECTO Serenade for our first Sunday in March!

So, mi amici...without further a due...& a special "Thank you" to Ms. AOW...checks out, "Once Upon a Time, it Happened."



  1. Finding a new Dino tune is alike to discovering a vast buried treasure!

  2. March has arrived and of course with it snow in New England. Of course it mite be in the 70's next week, you just never know what March will bring. At least we have a sweet sounding Dean Martin song to help ease us into the new month thanks to Danny G., a great selection as always my friend!

    Have a wonderful week.


  3. Ed, my Dino-diggin' bro! Glad youse dug the Dino-jam! Ms. AOW sent it my way. Good to hear from you.
