Sunday, February 17, 2019

Danny G's SPECIAL Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "La Vie En Rose"

Ahhhhh...welcome back pallies.

Man o man...what a BEA U TI FUL croon I have for our third week of spreadin' the Dino-Amore!

Now, pals...I've heard it said that French is known as "the language of love!

Well, my friends...this here Serenade has made Danny G. a believer!

Vive le France!

 This tune is just SO SO ROMANTICO!!!
I cants' take it!

"La Vie En Rose"...which I thinks is "loosely" translated..."rosey life"... or "life in roses".

 I'm thinkin' it's sayin' how WONDERFUL life can be when you is just SO SO deeply in love.

Mama mia!


 I have to repeat myself, pals!

 It's just such a PRETTY PRETTY song, no matter WHAT gets lost in translation!

  It's SURE to melt Ol' Man Winter's icy days  & heat up even the CHILLIEST of nights!

 Man...Dino SURELY knew how to set the mood & he SURELY knew how to speak from the heart!

Hey pals...I'm thinkin'...if youse maybe still have yet to find love...durin' this VERY special month... & may be wonderin' exactly what to do...I have a suggestion.


 That's ALL youse needs to do, mi love seekin' amici!

 Who could resist Dino croonin' a la French style?!

Well pals...that's my advice.

Spread some love into the air & keep an open heart.

We never know what life will throw at us tomorrow.
Romance maybe???

Enjoy, pals!   

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful and sweet sounding Dean Martin song you picked this week Danny G! I don't think I have herd this tune before, but you never know. Anyways it certainly will put you in the mood for love, or maybe an excuse just to relax and drift away for a bit. Great work as always my friend!

    Have a nice week.

