Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Groovy, Turned On, Transformed Dino: Dean Martin & Kenny Rogers & The First Edition - Hey, Good Lookin' 9/24/70

Hey pallies, likes we here at ilovedinomartin have recently spent a goodly number of days sharin' the lovin' relationship that freely formed 'tween our most beloved Dino and Miss Gail Renshaw after that transformational   evenin' encounter our Dino had with Miss Renshaw when they met to have a publicity pose snapped in our Dino's playground 'Vegas baby 'Vegas on the evenin' of October 13, 1969.   Likes obviously our Dino was swankly smitten with Miss Gail 'pon meetin' her and the  amazin' amore 'tween our Dino and Miss Renshaw beautifully blossomed likes over night.  As we have stated before, we were really hopin' that the relationship woulda been long term as the potent poses of our Dino and Miss Gail show our Dino to be a very happy man with his new lady friend by his side.

Even though thin's didn't work out between our Dino and Miss Renshaw in the long run, we would offer that our Dino's life, times, and teachin's were abundantly absolutely altered by our Dino sayin' goodbye to wife numero duo Miss Jeanne and hello to 21 year old Miss USA, Miss Gail Renshaw.
As we have shared before and as noted in a recent post shared HERE, our Dino's professional persona of supremely stunnin' swinger was absolutely, awesomely adopted as his personal persona as well.

Likes, instead of bein' home for supper every night, our Dino was now out clubbin', makin' the scene at such hipster  haunts as the The Candy Store Discotheque.  Our great great man more and more often wore the mod fashions of the '70's.  And, though our Dino's hair never got as long as his boypallies Dino Jr. and Ricci, he, like Dino Jr., changed his hair color and grew it longer on the sides.  These cooler then cool changes can be best viewed by watchin' clips of the Dino-show 'specially from 1970 on.

Recently, we once 'gain came 'cross an excellent example of our most beloved Dino's transformation while gazin' at a youtube vid clip from an episode of the Dean Martin Variety Show that first aired on September 24, 1970.  In this cool classy clip our Dino is hangin' with guests Kenny Rogers & the First Edition.  When Rogers invited our Dino to sing with him and his group, Dino sez, "I'd loved to, but I don't know if I can keep up with you, you know the generation gap there."  Kenny sez they can bridge that generation gap, and Dino makes funny sayin' that his way woulda be to "Burn all the twin beds."  Rogers suggests that they simply "let it all  hang out," to which our Dino replies "gravy" when of course he means groovy.  Makin' funny 'gain, our Dino sezs "what ever turns you in," when, of course he means whatever turns you on.

Then the Dino-magic begins as they together sing "Hey Good Lookin'."  There's our Dino lookin' totally totally "groovy"....totally totally  "turned on" with his ever present Kent Cigarette in hand,  his mod mod fashions...bright blue sports coat, opened neck bright red shirt, and checkered, black and white pants, longish hair and usin' his whole body supremely swingin' to the bouncy beat.  To our way of Dino-thinkin' this is a perfecto example of our Dino at the potently primo pinnacle of bein' the supremely swinger that he had always personified in his stage act.

As always, we woulda be deeply delighted to gets patter from all youse other totally sold-out-to-Dino pallies to gets your Dino-thoughts on the transformed Dino!

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin & Kenny Rogers & The First Edition - Hey, Good Lookin'


  1. Great post, pal! I also dig the Dino-transformation! Was a wild & crazy time for our pal. Loves how Desn never had a problem pokin’ fun at himself. Purposely mixin’ his words was a usual gag he did & it cracks me up every time!

  2. Mary Arnold looks like she has a huge crush on our Dino.

  3. Hey pallie, likes just knew Danny-o, that we were on the same Dino-page. We coulda watch vid clips that deeply delightfully energetically exhibit our Dino's total total transformation to the swingingest swinger of 'em all...indeed our Dino is IT...and this vid is a terrific testimonal to the groovy, turned on, totally totally transformed DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous magnificent DINO!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we couldn't 'gree more with your Dino-assessment. It reminds us of the total truth that Greg Garrison superbly spoke of our Dino..."Women wanted Dean and men wanted to be Dean." Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!
