Sunday, October 21, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It Just Happened That Way"

Welcome back mi amici! 

Just sittin' here...soakin' in this BEA U TI FUL & sunny Fall mornin'. 

Chilly...but beautiful, just the same.

 Youse learn to appreciate these simple thins' in life, as youse get older, I guess, pals.

 Comes with age I suppose.  

Also comes with some aches & loss & an ulcer! 
Hey...that's life, mi amici. 

Tomorrow could bring some GREAT news...or maybe a little "not so great".  

Somethin' that youse didn't see comin' can open your eyes, pals.

Now, it just so happens that I gots us a GREAT GREAT Serenade to help me get the Dino-message across.

 "It Just Happened That Way" teaches us to roll with the punches, pallies. 

Youse NEVER know what's 'round the next corner.

 It's all 'bout growin', pallies.
 Good & bad. 
That's the game.

 Except your situation & learn from it. 

Dean ALWAYS rolled with the punches & usually came out on top!

 Life may deal youse a losin' hand every now & then, ol pals o' mine.
 But guess what???!!!
 If youse can embrace it...if youse can find SOME little piece of silver linin' 'round that cold & cloudy day...YOUSE WILL BE DINO-FIED!!! 

Problems could just be blessins' in disguise!
Well...that may be pushin' it a little bit...but...that's the Dino in me!

 Watch out for life's surprises, pals. 

Don't let em' get youse down. 

Stay Dino-empowered & face life's little tricks & treats, eye to Dino-eye!



  1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o thanks for sweetly sharin' more deep deep Dino-teachin's with all us Dino-holics. Likes as we keeps growin' deeper 'n deeper in our master teacher Dino, we will eagerly embrace all that our Dino has to incredibly impart to us, and likes as youse sez so wonderfully wisely well....we will truly truly beautifully become "DINO-FIED" as we daily are welcomed to our most most beloved Dino's world. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  2. Glad youse is absorbin’ more & more Dino-wisdom, pal! We ALL need to soak in & practice as much as possible, from Our main man, Desn. Life is better when we do!

  3. Our Dino acknowledges that falling in love has a life of its own. This tune speaks to many a rejected lover. Just listen to the cry in our Dino's velvet voice!

  4. Couldn’t ‘free more, Ms AOW. The tone in a performers voice tells the real story. Dino could make us laugh, cry...happy or sad...all on the same album. He deserves to be more respected as a top shelf vocalist.

  5. There is no question that life is a roller coaster, some highs and some lows and hopefully everything balances out. One only has to look at the latest headlines to tell us even with our own issues and problems so many have it much worse. A wonderful selection as always Danny G., Dino always manages to keep things in perspective, good or bad.

    Have a wonderful week.


  6. Words of Dino-wisdom from our pal, Scotty!
