Monday, October 08, 2018

Frank, Sammy & Dean - two Together Again tour clips from 1988

Hey pallies, likes one beautiful bit of Dino-devotion lovin'ly leads to 'nother, and such is today's Dino-gram to all youse Dino-philes hangin' out at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave.  Last Saturday we featured that incredibly iconic image of Mr. Frank Sinatra "goosing" our most beloved Dino "in the ass" from the 1988 "Together Again" Concert in Oakland, Cali on March 18, 1988.

Likes that Dino-remembrance led us to goes on over to youtube and see what we coulda see if there was likes any fun footage of our Dino, Mr. Sinatra, and Mr. Sammy Davis, Jr. from that majestic moment in Dino-history.  And, Dino-low, and Dino-behold we came 'cross the vid tagged "Frank, Sammy & Dean -two Together Again tour clips from 1988.  These cool clips were shot at the openin' night at Oakland, Cali and the second night in San Fransisco.  The classic clips include awesome adorin' fans and as well as this trio of cool cats makin' funny and croonin' the swank standard "Side By Side."

ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Johan Nilsson, who on his youtube page describes himself as, "Cool, hip, funky, charismatic, awesome and simply an outrageous showman! He's all that and a bag of chips! His name? Johan Nilsson! From? Stockholm, Sweden! Check me out!"  Youse can checks out a fun fun vid that Johan made of himself  HERE.   Likes we are purely pumped to find yet 'nother of today's youth gettin' so deeply deeply into our Dino, and to know that he hails from Stockholm, Sweden makes it all the Dino-sweeter....a perfect Dino-combo....youthful Dino-devotion from 'round the Dino-globe!

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Frank, Sammy & Dean - two Together Again tour clips from 1988

Tv clips reporting on each of the two opening nights of the very short-lived Together Again tour of 1988 featuring Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin.


  1. Great memories, pal. The Twilight of the Gods & the end of an era never to be seen again. Thanks for the memories & SO much more!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we are ever thankful for today's technology and an deeply devoted goup of youtube Dino-holics for workin' diligently to keeps the Dino-dream alive and growin'!
    Thanks for your powerful part in helpin' continue the Dino-legacy here at ilovedinomartin.
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
