Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Frank, Sammy & Dean - press conference 1988

Hey pallies, likes we are truly truly thrilled to be able to once 'gain return to the youtube pad of Swed Mr. Johan Nilsson, who held forth here yester-Dino-day with his coolest of cool clips from evenin' uno 'n duo of the 1988 "Together Again" Concert Tour of Rat Packers....our most beloved Dino, Mr. Frank Sinatra, and Mr. Sammy Davis, Jr. To view that post click  HERE.  We 'fess up that we are so so Dino-heartened by today's youth such as Johan who are sharin' there for passion for our Dino and his pallies.

Today we share a terrific trio of youtube vids posted by Mr. Nilsson that return us to 1988, prior to the start of the "Together Again" tour, when our Dino, Mr. Sinatra, and Mr. Sammy Davis Jr. hugely held forth at a powerful press conference to proudly promote the tour.

Likes viewin' this live footage of our Dino and his pallies first bein' photographed from every angle possible and then doin' 'bout 30 minutes of Q&A with the press is beyond amazin' pallies and we are largely lost for words to share how awesomely affected we are by seein' these hugely historic memories in Dino-history.

While early on our Dino proclaims himself "the straight man," he is anythin' but that as he patters and pontificates as only our beautifully beloved Dino can.  Might we simply share one Dino-example with all youse Dino-holics.  Our Dino notes that the pallies at HBO will be filmin' the concert for airrin' on their cable netwark and Dino refers to HBO as "Home Booze Office"...while 'gain reaffirmin' that "I'm the straight man."

Likes true to form our Dino has his ever present Kent Cigarette in hand and it is this interview that Mr. Nick Tosches quotes in his beaut of a biography 'bout our Dino's answers to questions on smokin' that begins 'bout 6:35 in the second vid.  Dino sez 'bout tryin' to stop smokin': "I quit every night."  When Mr. Sinatra sez that he mostly smokes after dinner, our Dino chimes in: "I smoke durin' dinner."  And when a reporter expresses concerns 'bout tryin' to get younger people not to start smokin', our Dino states, "We don't care who smokes."

We eagerly encourage all youse Dino-philesto take the time to soak in this once in a lifetime press conference that has our awesomely amazin' Dino in the finest of fine form...speakin' his mind and makin' funny one joke after 'nother.  Likes we once 'gain swankly salute Swed Johan Nilsson for proudly puttin' us this terrific trio of vital vids that remarkably return us to the days when Dino walked the earth.

Frank, Sammy & Dean - press conference 1988

This is the press conference announcing the Together Again Tour of 1988 featuring Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin. (The three coolest guys in history?)


  1. Man o man, pals...how great is it to watch these vids?! Wish I was one of the lucky few to catch this tour before Dino hung it up. Gotta say, seein’ my good ol’ home town of Worcester at the top of the tour destinations...REALLY gets my blood pumpin’! I don’t believe they made it here but I could be wrong. I’ll see if I can dig anythin’ up. Thanks for bringin’ our way, DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o words like timeless & priceless come to our Dino-minds. That after all these years we are able to be there in the moment, so to speak, through the technology of recorded videos brings us Dino-happiness to our hearts, and to be able to place 'em up here at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave is our purest of pure pleasure in the cause of our most most most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our mighty marvelous DINO!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we were perfectly pumped to have been lead to these Dino-treasures helpin' us grow deeper and deeper in the life, times, and teachin's of our one, our only DINO!
    Keeps lovin' and spreadin' the Dino-message of complete cool!
