Sunday, October 07, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Let Me Know"

Welcome back, mi amici... & welcome to October 2018! 

Man o man...where do the years go? 

This cool cool month marks a VERY special anniversary for your ol' pallie, Danny G.! 

 Cants' even believe I've had the privelage of doin' these FUN FUN Sunday Serenades for 7 WON DER FUL years now! 

TRULY cant express how much I enjoy writin' my deep deep thoughts 'bout life... through the eyes of a Dino-holic…
& at the same time...spreadin' the Dino-message!

 I VERY humbily THANK youse for your weekly interest in my insanity! 

Now, pallies...let's get to this week's Serenade! 

So..October is DEF I NATE LY one of my FAVE months of the whole entire year, pals. 
This is a fact. 

But...I'm thinkin' some of youse may still be in "Seasonal shock" & goin' through Summer withdrawals!

Therefore, palsies o' mine...I thinks I is gonna EASE us into this fun fun time of year with somethin' REAL mellow & O so soothin'!

 Hey, pals...thinks I got just what youse need.

 It's's's...well...IT"S PURE DINO!!! 

 Pulled it from my own personal "Go to" place for ULTIMATE chillin'!

 Dean's 1966 al b um, "Relaxin".

 "Let Me Know" will DEF I NATE LY... gently...glide youse into these brisk, crisp & chilly days ahead. 

So sit back & close your eyes, pallies. 

Dino's at the wheel & he's on cruise control.

 Let's embrace Autumn & see what Dean has in store for us next!

 It's gonna be a GREAT Fall, pals...just hit PLAY & relax.



  1. Nobody can sing a love song as meaningfully as our Dino!

  2. Congrats Danny G., on seven wonderful years of bringing so many smiles to every Dean Martin Fan on Sunday! Today's selection is one smooth and vintage DM song, it couldn't be any better then just to just sit back and relax with this beauty!

    Thank you my friend for your years of hard work and faithful service to Dean and this blog.

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we've heard that seven is the number of perfection, and Let Me Know" is a well chosen croon for this awesome anniversary 'cause you have done your Dino-best to "let" all the pallies gathered 'round our ilovedinomartin waterin' hole "know" more and more Dino-delight and helps each and everyone fall deeper and deeper into amazin' amore of our most most most beloved DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our King of Cool with the whole wide Dino-world!

  4. Dino is DEFINITELY the master of the love song, Ms AOW, & SO SO much more! He lifts my spirits & motivates me. He keeps me sane & soothes my soul. Youse know what I mean, my friends. We are ALL brothers & sisters of the Dino-kind! Been my pleasure & honor helpin’ to spread the Dino-message these last 7 years. Let’s keep his vibe alive & thrivin’ for 100 more! Salute Dino!
