Monday, August 13, 2018

New Book Pays Homage To Our Dino

Hey pallies, likes we are head-over-heels deeply deeply Dino-delighted to be sharin' today's Dino-devotion with all youse Dino-holics 'cause it has been sweetly swankly supremely  scribed with the ubber upmost of amazin'ly awesome amore for our marvelously magnificant Dino by our numero uno sister-in-Dino, Miss AOW.  Likes faithful readers of ilovedinomartin knows that over the past few we have shared the noteworthy news that our most beloved Dino's most beloved boypallie namesake Dino Martin Jr.'s first wife, Miss Olivia Hussey has potently published her memoir, "The Girl On The Balcony."

Likes on readin' our first Dino-gram here sharin' powerful publicity on this tell all tome that may be located HERE, our Miss AOW, pattered us sayin' "I think I'll order this from Amazon--after my workday ends today."  We in turn asked her if she would be willin' to share her insights on the volume with ilovedinomartin after readin' it. Miss AOW, pattered back, "I Will" and likes today we share with all youse Dino-holics the fabulous fruits of Miss AOW's energetic efforts on behave of our King of Cool.

Below are Miss AOW's remarkable reflections on the portions of the book that awesomely accent our Dino.  We knows youse will deeply dig her touchin' 'n tender thoughts and likes we, will wanna gets your hands on this memoir as soon as Dino-possible as well.  When we thanked Miss AOW for her wonderful work, she replied  so so keenly kind, "My pleasure!  It's always a delight to write something about our Dino."  So, we thanks her for her pleasure givin' all the rest of us Dino-philes pure pleasure in our beautifully beloved Dino as well!

Book review of Olivia Hussey's The Girl on The Balcony; co-author Alexander Martin, the grandson of Dean Martin

by Always On Watch

(Note 1: all citations from the hardcover edition, released on July 31, 2018)

(Note 2: our Dino is referred to throughout as Dean Sr. or Dean because that's the way that the authors referred to our Dino; in this review, the word Dino refers to Dean Paul Martin, the name he took after his first divorce)

Olivia Hussey was catapulted to fame at the age of 17 when she starred in the award winning film film Romeo and Juliet (1968, directed by Franco Zefirelli).  To this day, many consider this film the definitive version of that particular Shakespearean tragedy.

In the course of becoming a Hollywood film star, Olivia Hussey met and married Dino, Jr., who, thanks to his father's fame and connections, moved in star-studded circles.  The marriage lasted from 1971-1978 and produced one child: the coauthor of this book, Alexander Martin.

What a happy day was the wedding day of the couple Dino, Jr., and Olivia Hussey!

The entire Martin clan on Dino's wedding day (1971)

L to R: Jeanne Martin, Dino Jr., Olivia Hussey, Dean Martin

Dean Martin, wearing his smile that lights up the world

Beginning with the chapter entitled “So I Became a Movie Star,” pages 96-100, and ending with the chapter entitled “Guns,” pages 154-162, fans of Dean Sr. will find much new information about  him in this book.  For example, Olivia Hussey shares this information about Dean Sr.'s separation from Jeanne, his wife of some 24 years:

“...I found myself heading to 601 Mountain Drive and a meeting with Dino's mother, Jeanne Martin.  Dino's father no longer lived there.  Some time before, Dean had apparently packed a small suitcase and, with his usual laconic charm, quipped something to the effect of 'Well, that's about enough for me' and left."
In the course of perusing this book, readers will see just how much Olivia Hussey loved and respected both her mother-in-law and father-in-law.  They not only welcomed her into the family upon her wedding to Dino Jr.; they remained friends even after Dino Jr. and Olivia divorced.  And the senior Martins' grandson Alexander Martin spent much of his youth with Grandmother Jeanne as Olivia Hussey pursued her acting career.

The two commentaries below are just two of the gems in this book, which every Dean Martin fan should read:

“[Dean Sr.] had the gift that only the extraordinarily talented had: He saw the world a little differently than the rest of us.  Over the years, I'd catch him looking or listening to something and see a double-take, a quick reexamination.  I'd see him connect that thing with something else.  I wouldn't have the foggiest idea what he saw or heard or what it made him think of – but then, I'd think, that's one reason I'm not Dean Martin” (132).


“I'll always remember the cadence of his voice.  It made me think of saloon doors swinging.  That was Dean Martin” (132).


  1. My pleasure to contribute to the best Dean Martin site on the web!

    And how lucky Olivia Hussey was to bathe in our Dino's light! She obviously adored being his daughter-in-law.

    They not only welcomed her into the family upon her wedding to Dino Jr.

    Reflecting our Dino's love of stylish cards, he and Jeanne gave Olivia Hussey a brand new Cadillac El Dorado convertible as her wedding present from them.

  2. wow! Have to checks this out!

    Thabk you Miss AOW and Mr. DMP!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks once 'gain for sharin' your Dino-devotion with the readership of our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave. And thanks for the new-to-us info on the glorious gift that our Dino and Miss Jeanne gave to Miss Olivia on gettin' wed to Dino Jr. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  4. Much of the book focuses on Dino, Jr., of course. But obviously Olivia Hussey was very fond of our Dino, so she just had to write quite a bit about him.

  5. Man...very interestin’, to say the least! I gotta check this out! Thanks, Ms AOW.

  6. Danny G.,
    My pleasure to blog about our Dino.
