Sunday, August 12, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "La Giostra"

Buon Giorno, pallies! Welcome back!

 Ahhh...what a GREAT GREAT time of year, mi amici! 

Italian food...Happy people...Dancin' kiddies...& more Dino than youse can absorb in just one FANTASTICO weekend! 

Yup...youse guessed it...It's "Italian Festival"  season, here in good ol' New England! 

Man o man...I just can't thinks of a more PERFECTO way to celebrate these summery days...than to soak up these SWINGIN' SINGIN' vibes...down at the local festival with all my Dino-lovin' paisani!

OK...I better chill with the "Italian" thin'. 
It's makin' me wanna pour up the vino...& it's only 8:00am!!!

Can't help myself, pals! 

It's just such a WON DER FUL feelin' in the air.

 It's a time to forget life's troubles. 

A time to 'member what's REALLY important.

 Put the negative stuff on the back burner...just for a moment...& soak in the GOOD thins'!

 I know it isn't always easy, pallies...we ALL have troubles to deal with.

 But...I thinks I can help!

 I have a tune that is GUA RAN TEED to get youse floatin'! 

Thinkin' happy thoughts & gettin' that Pep back in your Step! 

 Now, pals...when I thinks 'bout these FUN FUN festivals...the one thin' that seems to wrap the whole ball of smilin' faces, the Merry-Go-Round! 
" La Giostra"!

 Takes me back to years LONG gone by, my friends.

 Spinnin' round & round...catchin' a glimpse of certain faces as I'd twirl to the sounds of Dean's SMOOTH SMOOTH voice.

 Ahhhh...what a time it was!

 I think we could ALL use a spin! 

Today's Serenade, "La Giostra" is definitely one of my Summertime faves & I LOVE to share it every at our AWESOME little blog...with ALL my AWESOME fellow Dino-diggin' paisani! 

Here we go, pallies!

 Turn it up & enjoy the ride with Dino!



  1. What gem Danny! A very underrated Dino-tune for sure pallie!!

  2. A wonderful summer time song that will put everyone in the mood to celebrate all over New England and the world. I remember going to a few celebrations up north including Atwells Ave in Providence. Let me tell you they know how to have a good time there! With all the delicious food and friendly people it always makes for a great time.

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes Dino-riffic as Dino-always! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our awesomely amazin' DINO!

  4. Hey pallies! Pleasure is ALL mine! Loves sharin' a wee bit of Italiano Dino fun! 'Til next week...Ciao!

  5. A Dino tune new to me! Thanks, Danny G.

  6. Hopin’ youse love it, Ms AOW!
