Friday, February 16, 2018

I think this is a true valentines love song and Dino classic!!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, indoor

Hey pallies, likes traditionally Valentine's Day is a day to share sweet sweet treats with those you amore and on this 16th day of Dino-amore month we are most most deeply delighted to share with you a terrific treat with all youse Dino-holics from the lovin' laddie from Northern Ireland, Mr. Daire O'Hagan.

Likes if ilovedinomartin shared posts relatin' all the pallies who are sharin' Dino-emulation over the whole Dino-world we woulda never ever gets anythin' else into print here at our humble little Dino-blog.  But since we first became aware of this delightful Deanager 'round the centennial celebration of our Dino's entrance onto our planet, when Daire posted his first Dino-croon in honour of our most beloved Dino, we have been most eager to continue to share with all youse Dino-philes his on-goin' efforts to show his awesome adulation of our one and only Dino.   Likes three times we have been perfectly privileged to share potent posts on Daire that can be found HERE from July 7, 2017,  HERE from December 19, 2017, and  HERE from January 2, 2018.

Likes this week we have been checkin' out Daire's Music page at Facebook 'cause we were coolly certain that he woulda be be postin' a vid of a Dino-amore-croon for Dino-amore day and indeed below is his facebook post awesomely accentin' our one and only Dino's awesome amorin' croon, "That's Amore."  Youse will note that in 'bout one single day over 4.7 thousand folks have listened to Mr. Daire O'Hagan veritable version of this Dino-classic.

We are totally totally thrilled to be able here at ilovedinomartin to continue to support Deanager Daire's energetic efforts for hugely homagin' our King of Cool.  Likes we weren't able to post the vid here....likes as youse can see the vid is only a blur, but if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-report youse will arrive at "Daire O'Hagan Music" at facebook and you will be able to watch this 18 year old in Dino-action.  Once 'gain we salute Mr. Daire O'Hagan and his eager efforts to share his powerful passion for our most most beloved Dino!   btw pallies, likes the Dino-image at the top of this page is the header that Mr. O'Hagan uses on his personal facebook page to show his Dino-pride.  To checks out Daire's personal homepage clicks  HERE.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters 

Daire O'Hagan Music is feeling
 loved at Northern Ireland.
Sorry its so late everyone! I think this is a true valentines love song and Dino classic!! I hope you all enjoy it!! Hope you all had a great valentines!❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Happy Valentines everyone☺️☺️❤️❤️
That’s Amore
Please make my valentines and give it a like and share please!❣️❣️❣️❤️❤️❤️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️



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