Thursday, February 15, 2018

The whole place soon filled with the sounds of the song That’s Amore, by Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes on this day after Dino-amore day we totally totally thrill to share with all youse who are deeply devoted to Dino yet 'nother excellent example of how our Dino continues to show up in wonderful writin's by awesome author after awesome author.  Likes today for the first time, we meet up with  sweet sweet scriber Miss Cecily who holds forth at her self-tagged blog, "CECILY'S WRITINGS  -Thoughts, musings, writing and connected music."

Miss Cecily speaks of herself as "Woman, lady, female, mum, wife, sister, aunt, friend, HR specialist.
And of course once you visit her home pad youse know she is also a beautifully buddin' writer.  Today we share a brief excerpt from her Valentine's Day post tagged "A peek … on Valentine’s Day" that shares remarkable romantico thoughts of amore that feature husband, Henerico and wife Flora.
And, likes, of course, the primo paragraph that we have shared awesomely accents our most most beloved Dino!

How totally totally thrilled we are to have our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search send the way of Miss Cecily to rejoice in yet 'nother of today's swank scribers includin' our one and only Dino in these written work.  And, we are deeply delighted that as part of her powerful post, Miss Cecily has also shared a great vid of our King of Cool coolly croonin' his classic tune, "That's Amore."  We shouts out our amorin' appreciato to Miss Cecily for fantastically featurin' our Dino in her written words at at her beautiful blog.  We encourage to youse to clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to make your way to her blog and read her writin's in total.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

A peek … on Valentine’s Day

“Listen.”, Henrico implored her, excitedly. “Listen!” He tapped his smartphone and the music filtered out through the surround-sound speakers hidden around the room, through the speakers which surrounded each room in their luxury apartment. The whole place soon filled with the sounds of the song That’s Amore, by Dean Martin. He knew Flora liked this song, it played at their wedding where they married at his family’s country estate in his beautiful Italy. The music made its presence heard. She looked up and their eyes met, and held. Her heart fluttered.

The music to go with this blog can be no other than … Dean Martin’s That’s Amore!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool, Cecily. Great tune for such a special day in such a special place!
