Saturday, February 17, 2018

..... but the great Dino went his own way

Hey pallies, likes a Dino-croon goes "Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing," radiantly reflects that love has many many deeply delightful dimensions and flows from many many splendid sources.  Likes the fact that ilovedinomartin continues to offer Dino-adulation from all 'round the Dino-globe is true testimony to the unendin' uniquely universal awesome amore that is neverendin'ly freely flowin' from all places in the known world for our most most beautifully beloved Dino!

So it is awesomely appropriate durin' Dino-amore month to keeps bringin' youse Dino-holics Dino-affirmation from places far and wide.  Today we visit with the Spanish site, "La Voz Telurica," "The Teluric Voice," from a place tagged Roquetes, a municipality in the province of Tarragona, in Catalonia, Spain.

Likes the post below was scribed by a pallie tagged "Roco Allstar" and is a most lovin', touchin' 'n tender tribute to the fantastically fabulous Dino-al-bum from 1968, "Gentle On My Mind."  The scriber is obviously a deep deep devotee of our most beloved Dino and begins by proclaimin' the Dino-truth that, "the great Dino went his own way."  Like we gotta 'fess up that we were most marvelously moved when near the end of the Dino-prose, Allstar proudly professed Dino-amore statin', "It is always a great pleasure to our ears and our souls Dean Martin appears by the telluric pages." Ain't it the coolest pallies to hear 'nother Dino-digger speak so perfectly, powerfully of their
deepest of deep delight in our one and only Dino?!?!?!?!

We thanks pallie Roco Allstar and all the pallies at "La Voz Telurica," "The Teluric Voice" for spreadin' such delightfully deep devotion to our most beloved Dino for their remarkable readership to grow ever deeper in love with our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

[Classic Telúrico ] Dean Martin - Gentle On My Mind ( 1968 )
Hippies ran winds of change mentalities, but the great Dino went his own way , to interpret songs in his voice became more timeless yet, and pierced the barrier of time always in full form.

Included in an album self-titled , Gentle On My Mind , is one of those deli unforgettable and impeccable arrangements also had his adaptations of the hand of Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra or Glen Campbell, but which our favorite scoundrel added him that particular charm that had implied in anything he did.

From the album production he was commissioned Jimmy Bowen, and the aforementioned master of the caliber of Ernie Freeman arrangements , achieving results that led to this material to be a favorite in the USA and UK lists . As always, anyone here heard of these jewels .

It is always a great pleasure to our ears and our souls Dean Martin appears by the telluric pages, so when we win again , we will colarle with another of his wonderful classics. May you enjoy it ... they will, for sure.

[Clásico Telúrico] Dean Martin - Gentle On My Mind (1968)
Corrían vientos hippies, de cambio de mentalidades, pero el gran Dino iba a lo suyo, a interpretar canciones que en su voz se hacían más atemporales aún, y traspasaban la barrera del paso del tiempo siempre en plenitud de forma.

Incluida en un álbum de título homónimo, Gentle On My Mind, es una de esas delicatessen de arreglos inolvidables e impecables que también tuvo sus adaptaciones de la mano de Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra o Glen Campbell, pero a la que nuestro canalla favorito le sumaba ese encanto tan particular que llevaba implícito en cualquier cosa que hacía.

De la producción del disco se encargó Jimmy Bowen, y de los arreglos antes citados un maestro del calibre de Ernie Freeman, consiguiendo unos resultados que llevaron a este material a ser de los favoritos en las listas de USA y UK. Como siempre, por aquí nadie se enteró de estas joyas.

Siempre es un gustazo para nuestros oídos y para nuestras almas que Dean Martin aparezca por las páginas telúricas, así que cuando le tengamos de nuevo ganas, volveremos a colarle con otro de sus maravillosos clásicos. Que ustedes lo disfruten...que lo harán, seguro.


  1. “Favorite scoundrel “ Haha! Mine too! I

  2. What a great sounding up beat song DMP, Dean looks to be at his best here. A great find and posting my friend.

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, Dino is ours as well! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks for the primo patter man...keeps those cards and letters and Dino-reflections comin' pallie! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved DINO!
