Monday, April 10, 2017

Dean Martin "Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed"

Hey pallies, likes the Dino-action keeps goin', growin', and glowin' over the newly discovered by ilovedinomartin blog "FUN FUN."  Likes what tooks us there in the first place a few 'go was a Twingly Advanced Blog search listin' for the blog post of our most beloved Dino's randiest of randy silver screen 1964 epic "Kiss Me Stupid.   Likes that we posted last Friday, April 7th.

 And, then by perusin' their swank site we discovered that they had posts accentin' a number of our Dino's awesome al-b-ums recorded under the Reprise Record label....and just last Saturday, April 8  we begin our postin' of dem beginnin' with the Dino-disc tagged "The Door Is Still Open To My Heart.

Well, it's Monday, April 10, and we are perfectly pleased as punch to be able to share with all youse Dino-addicts "FUN FUN" postin' of our Dino's big screen sex farce from 1963, "Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed.  The fun flick also stars amazin' actresses Miss Carol Burnett and Miss Elizabeth Montgomery.  Both Miss Burnett and Miss Montgomery are famous for their forays on the small screen.

Likes we are 'specially deeply delighted to be able to share this funny flick 'cause it is one of a few that has yet to be released for sale on DVD.  It was released on VHS and indeed you can get it streamin' on your 'puter, but far as we know it has never ever been available in DVD.  We thanks the pallies at "FUN FUN" for more sweet sharin' of more Dino-treasure with their readership that makes it possible for us to pass in on to all youse Dino-philes.  btw stayed tuned later in this Dino-day for more fun and frolic from "FUN FUN" as we share 'nother youtube vid of a 'nother classic Dino-disc.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed

Carol Burnett, Elizabeth Montgomery, and Dean Martin


  1. A wonderful find and post DMP. It is always a treat to be able to find new sources of Dean Martin treasure.

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks youse very much Scotty-o! We loves makin' Dino-treasure more accessible to the Dino-masses! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
