Monday, April 10, 2017

Dean Martin - "Happiness Is Dean Martin" (1967)

Hey pallies, likes we are back 'gain with yet 'nother absolutely awesome al-b-um from our Dino and part of his recordin' for Mr. Frank Sinatra's record enterprise, Reprise Records.  Likes, 'gain through the cool courtesy of the blog tagged "FUN FUN" we share a youtube vid of all the Dino-croons from the 1967 vinyl release, "Happiness Is DEAN MARTIN."

Likes, it's the Dino-disc that has that swankest of swank still of our most beloved Dino holdin' a Chatty Cathy dolly proudly proclaimin' that, as the title of said al-b-um states, "Happiness Is Dean Martin!"  Likes, we thinks this mighta be our most fav of fav Dino-covers, and, likes, of course, it speaks that absolutely awesome deepest of deep Dino-truth....'cause truly truly our Dino brings the hugest of huge happiness to all his pallies!

We thanks the pallies at "FUN FUN" for postin' this youtube vid of yet 'nother of our Dino's classic croonin's includin' one of most fav of fav Dino-tunes, "Lay Some Happiness On Me."  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin - "Happiness Is Dean Martin" (1967)

Lay some happiness on me Think about me I'm not the marrying kind If I ever get back to Georgia It just happened that way (Open up the door) Let the good times in You've still got a place in my heart Sweet, sweet loveable you He's got you Thirty more miles to San Diego Nobody's baby again


  1. Yet 'nother Great Great al b um from Dean! Awesome jams on this one...includin' my opinion...Dino's TRUE signature tune..."I'm not the marrying kind" Haha!!

  2. And btw, DMP...I also TOTALLY dig this al b um cover. One of my Dino-faves! Thanks for postin'!

  3. Hey pallie, likes of course Danny-o, we 'grees with both of your patterin'. The cover art on Dino's awesome al-b-ums, likes 'specially the Reprise Records are amazin' art of the Dino-sort! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
