Sunday, April 09, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "April In Paris"

Welcome back, mi amici.

Let me start off by biddin' farewell to Mr. Don Rickles...who passed on to the big Celebrity Roast in the sky, this week.
"So long, pal"...the world will miss you.
I hope God can take a little razzin'! Haha!!
A good pallie of our Dino's & a TRUE comedy legend.
Catch ya' on the other side, pal! friends...Is youse enjoyin' Spring yet?!

I know...hasn't been very  "Springy" so far, pals.

At least not 'round these parts.

It's gettin' there, though!

Every mornin' seems to come a little sooner & every dusk is seemin' to come a wee bit later.
Hang in there...warm days are comin'!

Hey, pallies...after all...Spring is a tricky matter WHERE youse live!

Youse gots to 'member...we just climbin' out of a LONG...COLD...Winter!

Takes a little weenin' to gets back into the Springtime swing! Haha!!

I thinks I know what might help.

For today's Serenade we's gonna take a trip over to a city that is also known for it's rainy seasons...& passionate feelins'!


Ahhhh what a romantico place it must be, huh pals?

Well, if anyone would's our man of the world...Dino! Hahaha!!!

Dean was DEF I NATE LY a world traveler & DEF I NATE LY a master of romance! This we ALL know!!!

I found "April In Paris" on Dino's 1962 Reprise al b um..."French Style".
What a perfecto tune for this wonderful time of year!

GREAT GREAT collection of some of Dean's MOST BEA U TI FUL songs!

I'm diggin' each & every one of these jams with Dino's accentin' on the language of love!
Hey let's face it, pallies...Dino can spread the message of love no matter WHAT language he's croonin' & WHAT culture he's swoonin'! Ha!

OK pals o' we go!!!

Bring on the Spring!!!

I'm also throwin' in a little "Roastin"...from one master to 'nother!


April in Paris, who can I run to?
What have you done to my heart?
April in Paris, chestnuts in blossom
Holiday tables under the tree
April in Paris, this is the feelin'
No one can ever reprise
I'd never know the charm of Spring
Never met it face to face
I never knew my heart could sing
Never miss the warm embrace 'til
April in Paris, who can I run to?
What have you done to my heart
I never knew the charm of Spring
Never met it face to face
I never knew my heart could sing
Never miss the warm embrace 'til
April in Paris, who can I run to?
What have you done to my heart
My heart, my heart
Cuore mio


  1. April in Paris is a perfect selection this week Danny G., it will give everyone hope in New England that better weather is coming soon, which of course it is! I was also happy to see the Dean Martin roast starring the legend, Don Rickles, who passed away this week after an amazing life and career, RIP.

    Thank you for a great Sunday my friend, have a wonderful week.


  2. Thanks, pallie! Glad you enjoyed!
