Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dean Martin "Something's Got To Give"

Hey pallies, likes we may never ever leave the blog pad "FUN FUN" 'cause it continues to keeps postin' the most delightful of delightful Dino-treasure for us to share with all youse Dino-devotees!
We're back 'gain with 'nother youtube vid Dino-flick postin' courtesy of our pallies at "FUN FUN."  Likes this time 'round it's the Dino sex farce, "Something's Got To Give from 1962 also starrin' Miss Marilyn Monroe and Miss Cyd Charrise.

Likes, we're sure that almost 100% of youse Dino-addicts are already aware that this is the big screen Dino-epic that never got finished 'cause of  Miss Monroe's personal problems and then  her untimely death.  But, a few years ago the pallies at 20th Century Fox put together 30 somethin' minutes of screen footage and released it with the DVD of "Move Over Darling," the film that eventually got made.

It's great to be able to share this vide with youse  'specially the scenes with our Dino and Miss Marilyn 'cause they make much marvelous magic together!  We thanks the pallies at "FUN FUN" for sharin' this Dino-treasure with their readership and we simply gets to pass it on to ilovedinomartin followers with the greatest of great Dino-pleasure!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Something's Got To Give 1962 Marilyn Monroe, Dean Martin, Cyd Charisse...


  1. Wow! Never seen this before! Great chemistry between Dino & Marilyn. Very cool vid, pallie. Thanks for sharin'!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, glads to gives youse such a Dino-high....Dino 'n Marilyn...cool charisma from such a lovin' couple! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
