Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Dean Martin 'Nother Something's Got To Give!

Hey pallies, likes is this swankest of swank synchronicity or what pallies?!?!?!  We gotta 'fess up that we ain't ever used synchronicity before here at ilovedinomartin 'cause we couldn't say it, let 'lone spell it, but what we have to share with all youse Dino-holics here this very day at our humble little Dino-blog required us to do the work of findin' the s-word on the ol' ''net.

So, likes yes today's Dino-devotion is 'bout Dino-synchronicity!!!!!  Earlier this Dino-day we shared a blog post from our new found pallies at "FUN FUN" that centered 'round the unfinished Dino-flick "Something's Got To Give."  Well, likes after we found that post, almost immediately we discovered 'nother blogger had shared a post on the exact same Dino-topic...."Something's Got To Give."  Dino-synchronistic   or what dudes?!?!?!?!

So, now we takes you to the blog tagged "CineNina," where Miss Nina hangs her hat, for her post scribed in portuguese on the Dino-Marilyn ill fated flick.  We deeply digs how Miss Nina has shared a powerfully potent poster from the flick as well as a swank synopsis of said film.   Likes we digs the mostest that Miss Nina's international Dino-devotion came almost at the same time as an American post of the same Dino-treasure....as we sez, DINO-SYNCHRONICITY!!!!!

We thanks Miss Nina for spreadin' delightful Dino-devotion at her blog and bringin' more portuguese speakin' pallies into the Dino-fold!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Something's Got to Give

Something's Got to Give - 1962


Ellen Arden (Monroe), mother of two small children, was a photographer of a transpacific yatch when she was left on an island. After an exhaustive search of her husband Nick (Dean Martin), she had her disappearance declared as death. On the same day, the husband marries Bianca (Cyd Charisse). While they are on their honeymoon, Ellen returns home after being rescued from an island where she was abandoned for 5 years, and although the family dog ​​remembers her, the children do not ... However, children receive a Pleases her, and invites her to stay. Ellen poses as a woman named Ingrid Tic, representing a foreign accent. Nick obviously recognizes the woman, but Bianca does not, but his assumptions are not proven until he spies Ellen laughing as she swims naked in the pool that night. After this, Nick discovers that she had been abandoned on the island with Stephen Burkett (Tom Tryon), known as "Adam" and for her "Eva." To calm Nick's fears, Ellen asks for a shoe salesman (Wally Cox) to represent his fellow islander.

This was the last role of Marilyn Monroe. The film was unfinished because of the death of the actress. Finally, in 2001, they were created 34 minutes turning it into a short film in homage to Marilyn.

Before her death, the film was about to be suspended or shot with another actress ... Marilyn was fired for her continued delays and non-appearance on filming. At the insistence of Dean Martin, Marilyn was readmitted.

The film is a remake of Garson Kanin's "My Favorite Woman" (1940). The 1940 film was starring Irene Dunne and Cary Grant.

In the year after the death of Marilyn (1963), after the suspension of production, they ran a new version directed by Michael Gordon and starring Doris Day and James Garner. The film was titled Aparta-te, Cariño (Move Over, Darling).

There is a film of very similar name (Something's Gotta Give) with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton.

Enjoy !!

Something's Got to Give

Something's Got to Give - 1962

Ellen Arden (Monroe), mãe de dois filhos pequenos, era uma fotógrafa de um yatch transpacífico quando foi deixada em uma ilha. Após uma busca exaustiva de seu marido Nick (Dean Martin), ela teve seu desaparecimento declarado como morte. No mesmo dia, o marido se casa com a Bianca (Cyd Charisse). Enquanto eles estão em sua lua de mel, Ellen volta para casa depois de ter sido resgatada de uma ilha onde ela foi abandonada por 5 anos, e embora o cão da família lembrasse dela, as crianças não... Entretanto, as crianças recebem um agrado por parte dela, e a convida para ficar. Ellen posa como uma mulher chamada Ingrid Tic, representando um sotaque estrangeiro. Nick obviamente reconhece a mulher, porém Bianca não, mas os seus pressupostos não são comprovados, até que espia Ellen rindo enquanto nadava pelada na piscina naquela noite. Após isso, Nick descobre que ela tinha sido abandonada na ilha com Stephen Burkett (Tom Tryon), conhecido como "Adão" e para ela "Eva". Para acalmar os receios de Nick, Ellen pede um vendedor de sapatos (Wally Cox) para representar seu companheiro ilha.

Este foi o último papel de Marilyn Monroe. O filme ficou inacabado por causa do falecimento da atriz.  Finalmente, em 2001, montaram-se 34 minutos convertendo-o em um curta-metragem em homenagem a Marilyn.

Antes de sua morte, o filme esteve a ponto de ser suspenso ou rodado com outra atriz... Marilyn foi despedida por seus contínuos atrasos e o não comparecimento nas filmagens. Através da insistência de Dean Martin, Marilyn foi readmitida.

O filme é um remake de "Minha Mulher Favorita" (1940) de Garson Kanin. O filme de 1940 foi protagonizado por Irene Dunne e Cary Grant.

No ano seguinte ao falecimento de Marilyn (1963), apos a suspensão da produção, rodaram uma nova versão dirigida por Michael Gordon e protagonizada por Doris Day e James Garner. O filme titulou-se Aparta-te, Cariño (Move Over, Darling).

Há um filme de nome muito parecido (Something's Gotta Give) com Jack Nicholson e Diane Keaton.



  1. Very cool, pallie. Good find. What a shame we never got to see the full film or any future flicks with Dean & Marilyn. We're a HOT couple!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o...one of the thin's on our list of what we wishes our Dino woulda have done is more and closer work and play with Miss Marilyn....very HOT couple indeed. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
