Friday, March 31, 2017

More Dino-delight from Mr. Liam Rodgers

 Hey pallies, likes followin' yesterday's Dino-gram accentin' Mr. Liam Rodgers' new blog  "THIS QUIET MAN - 'All the Way," we decided to do a wee bit of reviewin' of Rodger's twitter posts to see how he might have expressed his Dino-adulation there.  Likes our search was rewarded with three deeply deeply Dino-centric tweets from the month of October 2016.

In the first terrific tweet on October 16, Rodgers, who as you will note tags himself "Duke @ Rodgey," shares a youtube vid of Dino speakin' of drinkin" and Rodgers refects, "You can only find advice as good as this after hauf 3 in the morning."

The next day, October 17,  Liam references our most beloved Dino as "Hero" with a coolly classic image of our Dino and the thought "Stay Drunk" from "Twelve Hangover Cures From Famous Heavy Drinkers."

Rodgers' October 28 post is that famous short gif from our Dino's performance in his last big screen effort, "Cannonball 2," where with ever present Kent cigarette in hand, Dino, instead of usin' a glass for a drink, simply lifts the bottle to his lips.

If we had any doubts 'bout Liam's Dino-delight these three twitter tweets leave no doubt in our minds of his awesome absolute adulation of our one, our only Dino.  And, likes we are sure that we will find many opportunities to feature his Dino-devotion on the the pages of our humble little ilovedinomartin blog.

We salute you Mr. Liam Rodgers and are powerfully pumped to see 'nother of today's youth deeply diggin' our main man.  Likes to checks these potent posts out in their original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Hullo Friday


  1. Haha! Always crack up over Dean poppin' right off the bottle! Liam seems to be well on his way to bein' 100% Dino-fied! Welcome aboard, pal!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, right on man....this is a fav moment from our Dino's last big screen appearance, and he is as hip, cool, and randy as ever! Lookin' forward to more Dino-delight from Liam in the near future! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
