Friday, March 31, 2017

Dino-devotion from new blog "This Quiet Man - 'All The Way"

Hey pallies, likes today offers all us pallies likes a totally totally new Dino-experience here at ilovedinomartin, as we shares with all youse Dino-holics the initial post of a new pallie enterin' the blogsphere for the very first time....and from first impressions dudes, this dude "gets Martin."  We likes don't ever remember havin' the privilege of sharin' a bloggers first post here, besides the first post of ilovedinomartin, that is.

We are proudly pleased as punch to introduce you to Mr. Liam Rodgers, who calls Glasgow, United Kingdom home, and to his beau-ti-ful blog "THIS QUIET MAN - 'All the Way'."  Likes how we knows this young man is deeply into Dino is 'cause as you will see below, he has proudly and openly shown his Dino-adulation by usin' two classic Dino-poses on pages of his featurin' our Dino with Miss Audrey Hepburn, and one with our most beloved Dino with his main pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra.  Likes in addition to that Rodgers has featured our Dino's most famous quotation on drinkin' and the floor pontently, powerfully 'n prominently on his home page, which if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will be led to.

Below you will find said Dino-pixs, the Dino-quotation, and Liam's first earnest entry tellin' his new readership 'bout himself, we thinks all youse Dino-philes will be incredibly inpressed as we are. We swankly salute our new-to-the blog world pallie Mr. Liam Rodgers, who solemnly shows both that more and more of today's youth are deeply deeply  into Dino, and truly truly Dino-devotion ever grows more and more international in nature!  And, here is the bit of patter that we left him on discovering his first post.....

Mr. Liam, welcome to the wonderful world of the blogsphere. Rare for us to have the pleasure of viewing someone’s first blog post, but while we were using the Twingly blog search engine searching for references to Mr. Dean Martin, we landed here. Know that early in the new year we will be doing an entry on your homepage that features one of our Dino’s most famous quotations. We wish you the best of success and hope to see the name of Dino often lifted up here.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


You’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on

Dean Martin

This Quiet Man


So here it is, my first dive into the shallow end of online blogging. I’m just toying around with this for now, so gimme some time to get to know it and then we can get on with getting to know me.

For the mean time, though, I guess an introduction is in order. My name’s Liam but on here I’ll probably go by my initials, L.B., because it’s got a nice ring to it, I suppose. What else about me? Well I’ve got a Law degree and I’m planning on becoming a Naval Officer, sooner or later.

The name for the blog was based on my favourite film, ‘The Quiet Man, and the tagline is title of my favourite song, ‘All the Way’ by Frank Sinatra. That’s pretty much what this blogs going to be about, me sharing the things that make up my life; from the films, music, food and clothes, to the little idiosyncrasies from a time gone by that I more often than not find along the way.

I’ll tend to stray away from politics and at most look at particular standout individuals that might happen to take my fancy. Same goes for religion too.

Well until I find something to talk about for real.


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