Saturday, April 01, 2017

Foolin' 'Round With Our Most Beloved Dino On April Fool's Day

Hey pallies, likes Happy April Fools Day dudes!  Likes we gotta 'fess up that likes it wasn't 'til a couple of April 1's 'go  that we began thinkin' of  accentin' this special day at ilovedinomartin.  It coulda be 'cause our Dino ain't never been a fool for nobody.

But likes, we knows that we were incredibly  inspired by our Dino two April Fools Day's 'go with the notion of searchin' youtube for a vid of our our most beloved Dino croonin' a tune with the term "fool" in it.  Likes we found more then one vid, but likes when we watched the one below, likes we knew for Dino-sure that this one was IT for sharin' on this first day of of the new month of April.

The croon is one that we don't remember seein' and hearin' our Dino sing before we discovered it, "Nobody But A Fool Would Love You."  It's the perfect for April Fools Day 'cause our King of Cool has so so much fun foolin' 'round as he sings.....just watch how our great man uses all of his body makin' funny 'specially beginnin' at 'bout 1:00.  Likes nobody has more fun then our swingin' swank Dino as he makes each and every song his Dino-own!

We deeply deeply digs how Dino concludes this tune with sayin' "If Rembrandt were alive today, he'd want to paint this kid's voice"  Likes how great is that pallies!?!?!?!  Indeed nobody but a fool WOULD NOT love our most beloved Dino!  So enjoys foolin' 'round with our Dino this April Fool's Day!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. Great great stuff, pallie! Haha!! No one does April foolin' croonin' like our pal! Awesome vid!!!

  2. I can't believe it is April 1st already, and of course Aprils fools. Is there any one more qualified then Dino to lead the charge!? A wonderful posting DMP.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we always always stand in absolute awe of how our Dino's foolin' 'round while croonin' adds that swankly special touch. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, youse are indeed of of the coolest of the cool Dino-patterers...we absolutely loves when you quires, "Is there any one more qualified then Dino to lead the charge!?" And, likes of course, we say no one never ever was our will be more qualified then our most beloved Dino. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our great great man. We keeps checkin' your blog for more Dino-action...hopes you will be able to share more Dino-delight soon at "BlueisKewl."

  5. Thank you DMP, when I lost my old computer I also lost a lot of my content that I had stored, including DM material that i was planning to post. I am of course keeping my eyes open for anything related that I can post in the future.

    Have a great up coming week my friend.


  6. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks for lettin' us know what happened...we are specially sorry for your loss. Know that ilovedinomartin stands ready, willin', and able to spread your Dino-devotion here whenever you find sometime to share at your beau-ti-ful blog "BlueisKewl." Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!
