Mr. Paystrup's bio tells us that he is "not only a father of great kids and the husband to wonderful woman," but also "a cartoonist, graphic artist, journalist, juice drinker reader of great works." This paragon of media recently shared a review of a local St. George eatery, "Pizzeria Limone" that not only is well crafted word wise, but also contains a knowin' nod to our one and only Dino.
As you will read below, David begins his review with a quick quotation from the classic croon a la Dino, "Manbo Italiano" and follows that with his touchin' testimonial of his Dino-delight sayin' "I’ll admit it in the past year or two, I’ve had a thing for listening to Dean Martin’s Italian songs." Oh, how it warms our heart to read revelatory remarks of 'nother pallie incredibly into our one and only Dino!
We thanks Mr. David Paystrup for his wonderful witness of Dino-enjoyment midst his review of a local pizzeria. Below is the the briefest of brief entry that notes his Dino-tetimony and likes to check out the entry in total, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Likes as a bit of bonus to all youse Dino-philes below is also a vid clip of our Dino's cool croon of "Mambo Italiano." Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Pizzeria Limone takes St. George diners 'back to Napoli'
David Paystrup, Let's Eat 5:37 p.m. MDT May 9, 2016
“Kid you good-a looking but you don't-a know what's cooking 'til you
Hey mambo, mambo Italiano, …” – Dean Martin
I’ll admit it in the past year or two, I’ve had a thing for listening to Dean Martin’s Italian songs. So I felt right at home as I devoured a Pera pizza from Pizzeria Limone.
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