Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis dancing together, mid 1950′s.

Hey pallies,  likes oh how we deeply delights in findin' more and more of today's youth revelin' in our most beloved Dino.  And, likes today we are thrilled to share yet 'nother example of awesome adulation of our main man by a tumblr pallie who tags themself "classickat."  Her bio tells us that her name is Kayley and she tells us that she's  "26, and I love classic movies and television, old Hollywood, music, and dance. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are everything to me."

Likes, we just got the notion to checks if by chance we had visited with Kayley before and we found that she was the one who first introduced us to the potently powerful pose of our swingin' Dino on the set of Helmer numero quartre "The Wrecking Crew"....the one where Dino is sittin' in a director's chair with his ever present Kent cigarette held just so in his right hand....youse can check's it out  HERE.

Today Kayley's Dino-contribution is a provocative pose of our Dino and Mr. Lewis dancin' together circa the mid '50's....a very bromantic image for sure....and likes, one that we ain't never ever set our eyes on before.  Woulda loves it if any of youse Dino-holics have any other interestin' info to add 'bout this pix.  Likes, how cool it is to find cool candids of our Dino that are new to our viewin' pleasure!

We salutes Miss Kayley for all her efforts on behalf of our Dino and his partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis and we are sure we'll be returnin' to her pix pad for more intriguin' images of the pair.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-delightedly, DMP


Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis dancing together, mid 1950′s.

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis dancing together, mid 1950′s.


  1. Miss Kayley is a VERY cool young lady...from what I can tell. LOVES Dino & loves the 70's/80's tv show, Three's Company! (She mentions that on her blog). A girl after my own heart! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, indeed dude, and she posts the coolest of cool Dino-images! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. A wonderful find and post DMP, it is always wonderful to see another person who takes to Dean as so may do still to this day.!

    Have a great week my friend!


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, yes man, if is always awesome to find more and more of today's youth puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!
