Thursday, May 12, 2016

“I don’t care who was on the stage, your eyes always went to Dean, he had that magic on the stage”

Image result for dean martin vegas
Hey pallies, likes today pallies we are totally, terrifically thrilled to be able to solemnly share with all youse pallies 'nother first person, awesome account of yet 'nother excitin' entertainer who came to know, respect, and serve our most beloved Dino.  From the pages of the online presence of Tampa Bay Newspapers,, comes powerful prose from the pen of  reporter Mr. Brian Goff.

Goff's prose is tagged "Redington Shores entertainer remembers the good old days" focuses on long time entertainer Mr. Carme Pitrello, who spent much of his life entertainin' in 'Vegas Baby 'Vegas."
And, likes youse guessed it dudes, while in our Dino's playground he spent time with our main man and his pallies that formed the Rat Pack.  The reason for the article is that tonight Mr. Pitrello is doin' a gig  at the Five Towns complex in St. Petersburg and the prose is a promo for said show.

Likes what we shares with youse below are the delightful details of Carme's relationship with our King of Cool.  Reporter Goff shares many remarkable remembrances that Pitrello has of our most beloved Dino, and we revel in the deep devotion that he has for our one and only Dino.  We have chosen his reverent revelation of the transformin' power of Dino to title this post.... “I don’t care who was on the stage, your eyes always went to Dean, he had that magic on the stage”

Our hearts are filled to the beautiful brim with the wonderfully wise words with which Mr. Carme Pitrello hugely homages of great great man and you can swankly soak 'em all in as you read his touchin' 'n tender thoughts below.  And, how thrillin' it musta been for Pitrello to have had the huge honor of bein' able to stand in for our Dino in rehearsals and to have spent quality time in his powerful presence!

We thanks Mr. Brian Goff and all the pallies at for sharin' Mr. Carme Pitrello's extraordinary experiences, and you will be able to read the whole awesome article by clickin' on the tag of this here Dino-post.  Always Dino, Always, DMP

Redington Shores entertainer remembers the good old days

Article published on Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Another member of the Rat Pack was Dean Martin, who Carme said was special in many ways.

“I don’t care who was on the stage, your eyes always went to Dean, he had that magic on the stage,” he said.

It turns out Martin didn’t like to rehearse; he relied on cue cards during his live show. But other actors had to rehearse so they would know when to say their lines. That’s where Carme came in; he played the part of Dean Martin during those rehearsals.

Despite that, Carme says Martin was as relaxed as anyone he has ever seen in show business.

“Dean was the best, even playing golf he was relaxed. He went through life enjoying himself,” he said.

Carme said he once asked Martin if he patterned himself after Perry Como or Bing Crosby.

“He said no, he admired the Mills Brothers, especially Harry Mills. That’s who he emulated,” he said.


  1. Man o man...I LOVES these first hand accounts 'bout our main man! What I wouldn't give to click my heels & be back in 1960s Vegas!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, indeed, we simply swoon with the deepest of deep delight whenever we come 'cross 'nother testimonial to our most beloved Dino from someone who were blessed to be in the immediate presence of our King of Cool! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. It is always wonderful to get a first hand account from someone that new Dean personally and from a fellow entertainer to boot, Mr. Carme Pitrello. As he said himself, even with a stage full of people no one could outshine the man himself! Thank you DMP for bringing this wonderful story our way.

    Have a great weekend.


  4. Hey pallie, likes faithful ol' Scotty-o, likes we knew that you woulda likes dig this Dino-gram likes to the max, 'cause likes youse sez, "It is always wonderful to get a first hand account from someone that new Dean personally and from a fellow entertainer to boot, Mr. Carme Pitrello." It likes certainly beautifully brightens our Dino-day when we can share such heartwarmin' Dino-devotion! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. No doubt about it: our Dino was magic. Still is as far as I'm concerned.

  6. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, dem are powerful words full of deep deep Dino-truth! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
