Monday, May 09, 2016

Lopez: Party Like Dean Martin

Hey pallies, we likes are primoly pumped dudes to discover that the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino have  recently once 'gain  been reverently revered  in the public square.  Likes below you will find the link to a short youtube vid clip from the new small screen comedy series tagged "Lopez" featuring comedian Mr. George Lopez.

"Lopez"  premiered on March 30, 2016 and the clip we are linkin' to   is from the opennin' moments of a recent episode where Mr. Lopez speaks of his awesome admiration for our Dino's methods of partyin'.   As you watch the vid clip probably just 'bout all youse Dino-holics will be likes totally totally familiar with the Dino-tale that George relates

This coolest of cool clip is an extremely excitin' example of how the teachin's of our dynamic Dino live on and continue to incredibly impact life after life, and will continue to do so for great generations to come.  While awesome actor Mr. George Lopez is usin' our Dino's powerful perspective on partyin's in a comedic way, it none-the-less is gettin' this Dino-perspective 'cross to the younger gen and helpin' many many more come to followin' in the way of our Dino.

Youse can view the youtube clip from "Lopez" HERE  and we salute all involved with this new venture for bringin' forth this Dino-tale to the masses.


  1. What a great find and clip DMP, George Lopez is a wonderful comedian and entertainer. It's always great to see other peoples takes on the one and only Dean Martin!

    Have a great week!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, we are as ever much pleased with your delight and each and every Dino-find we share and we, of course, were totally totally thrilled to have been gifted with this neatest of neat nod to one of our Dino's teachin's as shared by Mr. George Lopez! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Haha!! Very cool of George to lift up the name of our pal amongst pals!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, very very cool indeed...and every Dino-mention on the small screen is sure to bring many many more into the Dino-fold! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
