Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dean equaled freedom and bliss.

Hey pallies, likes today on this tenth  day of Dino-amore month, we takes you to the  self tagged prose pad of Mr. Scott D. Southhard,  "The Musings & Artful Blunders of Scott D. Southard" for his Dino-focused scribin's " 'That’s Amore' by Dean Martin."  It's more  wonderfully wise words on how the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino keeps incredibly impactin' life after life, time after time.  And, likes what coulda me more Dino-amore appro then a post on that great Dino-amorin' croon..."That's Amore!!!!!"

Mr. Southard is a professional proser and asks that only excerpts be shared, so below is the portion of his recent post that is Dino-centric.  To read all of Scott's post simply clicks on the link shared above or the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We don't wanna takes any glory from Scott's  own words of  how our most beloved Dino, as Southhard proclaims "would begin to represent for my wife and me one of the happiest moments not only of our marriage, but our lives."  So read on pallies and celebrates yet 'nother touchin' tale of the incredible intersection of our Dino and the lifes of everyday pallies likes us.

We say thanks you very much to Mr. Scott Southard for sharin' his testimonial of  the remarkable role that our most beloved Dino and one of his most beloved croons, "That's Amore" played on Scott and his wife's two-week trip through Italy.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

“That’s Amore” by Dean Martin


 Dean Martin

I never really liked Dean Martin’s music.

When I think of classic crooners, I always lean towards Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Nat “King” Cole. Bing had a nice jazz rhythm and friendliness in his voice, Frank was art (a unique and always beautiful combination of arrangement and voice), and Nat… Nat was the man. Smooth voice and a great jazz piano player. His album After Midnight might be my favorite album of all time. I can’t think of a week I had not listened to it all the way through at least once.

But Dean Martin?

Dean was silly, with his drink in his hand and a wink to the audience. You never got the feeling that the music really mattered to him, it was just another part of his performance, no more important than his suit and his cocktail.

And yet, Dean would begin to represent for my wife and me one of the happiest moments not only of our marriage, but our lives. Dean started each day of our best adventure, made us want to sing along. Dean equaled freedom and bliss. And if he was around today it would be hard not to give him a hug if I was to meet him (I’m assuming at a questionable and loud bar in Las Vegas).

See, Dean Martin and his ridiculous song about a moon and a pizza pie was the musical symbol for our two-week trip through Italy.

It’s all so freaking weird to consider, but it is true.

When we thought about the trip and planned our excursions, we wanted to experience the country, feel away from our “real world” as much as possible. So when our tour guide said we would begin each day on the bus with the “That’s Amore” by Dean Martin it was frankly a little disappointing.

Really? That song? That’s the best you can come up with?

When you consider how much great music historically comes from Italy, it is an odd choice for our Australian tour guide (Yes, Australian with an accent right out of an overacted television show) to choose Mr. Martin. Heck, waking up to a nice moment from an opera would have been inspiring to us. Or maybe something like from one of those fun little jazz bands you hear in Venice? Nope, we were stuck with Deano.

Sing along with me!


  1. Thank you DMP for bringing this heartfelt and inspiration story our way. It never ceases to amaze me how many people Dean has impacted even so many years after his passing. Thank you my friend for all your tireless hard work!


  2. Hey pallie, likes THANK YOU!!!!!! Scotty-o for your most thoughtful words of appreciato for this particular post! You are, as always, right on the Dino-mark 'bout the incredible impact that our Dino has on pallies all over the world even two decades after his departure from our planet. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
