Thursday, February 11, 2016

I just love that man. I love Dino.

Engelbert Humperdinck on ''The Dean Martin Show'' (full appearance)- October 22,1970

Hey pallies, likes today on this eleventh day of Dino-amore month  have we gotta the bestest of best beautifully awestruck amore of our Dino from 'nother excellent entertainer in their own right, Mr. Engelbert Humperdinck. Likes it's sorta a triple treat with the combo of both printed prose and vivacious video.  Likes first of all we have some superb scribin's by a writer tagged Mr.  Tony Violanti for the "Villages - News" of Lady Lake, Florida on January 10 of this Dino-year.

As you will read in the portion of the article that awesomely accents our Dino, Engelbert credits our Dino as one "who befriended him" and taught him much about performin'.  Of our most beloved Dino, Humperdinck sez, “He was a tremendous actor and stage performer,” and goes on to honor our honorable man with.... "A big lesson from Martin was to act out a song."  (Likes stay tuned tomorrow, for what we thinks will be an extraordinarily exuberant example of it.?

Then, while we were searchin' to find a vid of our Dino and Engelbert performin' together, we not only found the famous vid from the Dino-show, but also a live vid of Engelbert performin' where he shows part of the original vid from the Dean Martin Variety Show, but also speaks of his powerfully personal love of our one and only Dino.  If you goes to the first vid below and clicks it on 'bout 2:35 you will start hearin' Engelbert's remarkably reverent respect for Dino and these lovin' words..."I just love that man.  I love Dino."  Perfecto passion so so awesomely appro in this month of Dino-amore.

And, likes the second vid is the fullest of full version of our Dino and Engelbert performin' on the Dino-show.  We are most pleased to be able to share all these elements of Dino-devotion in this single Dino-gram.  To checks out the complete prose on Mr. Humperdinck from "Villages - News" clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  We shouts out our thoughtful thanks to scriber Mr. Tony Violanti and to Mr. Humperdinck for lettin' the wider world know of the dramatic difference that our most beloved Dino has played in this entertainer's life!   Dino-devotionally, DMP
Engelbert Humperdinck recalls lessons learned from Dean Martin


One singer who befriended him and helped teach those lessons was Dean Martin.

“He was a tremendous actor and stage performer,” Engelbert said. “Dean would never rehearse. He would show up and use cue cards, but he was always perfect. No one else could do that, the way Dean did it.  He was extremely nice to me.”

A big lesson from Martin was to act out a song.

“I love performing and I consider myself an actor on stage,” Engelbert said. “I don’t just sing lyrics. I use stage techniques and movements with the song.”


  1. A wonderful pair of videos and blog posting my friend. It would seem that another great entertainer, Engelbert Humperdinck, has given credit to Dean for being an inspiration. It really is amazing how many people owe so much to one man. Thank you for bringing this wonderful story our way.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty...such wise 'n wonderful words from you dude..." It really is amazing how many people owe so much to one man." And, likes of course, pallies likes us owe so so much to our one and only Dino as well! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Loved Hearin' the great great praise 'bout our main man! I seen Englebert a few years back & he is definately s class act. I now have even more respect for him. He learned a few thins' from the best!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, so so true....indeed it makes our Dino-heart gladly glad to see Englebert gives our Dino his righteously rightful due! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
