Tuesday, February 09, 2016

..... the game pitted a Frank Sinatra led team (the Blue Eyes) against a team coached by Dean Martin (the Red Eyes).

Hey pallies, likes we just loves, loves, loves to fine awesome antidotes 'bout our awesome Dino that we ain't never ever run 'cross before.  So, on this ninth day of Dino-amore month we are pleased as punch to be able to takes you to some Dino-lovin' news from the 'net pad of "Cat Country FM WPUR 107.3" located in  Northfield NJ (South Jersey).

On air personality for 107.3, Mr. Joe Kelly, shares a moment in Dino-history that we ain't ever remember hearin' 'bout before.  The tag of his scribin's sez it all dudes:  "That Time Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin Played Softball at 3am in Absecon."  Accordin' to the post, in the '80's our most beloved Dino and his bestest of best pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra are said to have played a game of stick ball in the city of Absecon, NJ in the wee hours of the mornin'.

Mr. Kelly shares with delightful details that he could locate and is eager, of course, to learn more from any pallies who might have viewed this coolest of cool Dino-event.  Likes those of us that are solemnly smitten by our one and only Dino are as eager as Joe to learn every glorious detail that may be uncovered....likes a Dino-treasure hunt for sure.

Likes how fabulous durin' this month of absolute total Dino-amore to be growin' most earnestly 'n eagerly in our edification of the life, times and teachin' of our one and only Dino.  ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Joe Kelly and all the pallies at 107.3 for sharin' this mostly unknown Dino-event with the larger world.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly,  DMP

That Time Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin Played Softball at 3am in Absecon

 By Joe Kelly February 5, 2016 4:43 AM

Dean and Frank

Were you at the famous softball game in the middle of the night in Absecon in the 1980s?
A Facebook post on the page of the Absecon Police Department’s page reminisces about that magical middle-of-the-night event.

According to the post,

 In the 1980’s the casinos in Atlantic City teamed up with Tommy Lasorda and Frank Sinatra to have a baseball game in Absecon….at 2am.

Apparently, once word got out that Ol’ Blue Eyes and one of the Los Angeles Dodgers’ greatest managers were in town playing stickball, many residents of Absecon flocked to the old ball fields on Michigan Avenue to watch…in their pajamas.

As the crowd cheered on Frank, Tommy and their entourage, they had no idea that they would be witnessing an iconic moment in the history of Absecon.

While I was not at the event, I did a little research and cannot find mention of Tommy Lasorda in several news accounts.

A UPI wire story indicated the game pitted a Frank Sinatra led team (the Blue Eyes) against a team coached by Dean Martin (the Red Eyes).

Several recounts of the game say it ended in a 18-18 tie.

We want to know if you were at that game and what you may remember. Please share your thoughts below.

Also, if you have any photos from the event, would you care to allow us to share them here? If so, please email me: joe.kelly@townsquaremedia.com.

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