Friday, February 06, 2015

When Dean Martin Called His Shot

Hey pallies, likes one of the thin's we most love 'bout our Dino is how his life, his times, and his teachin's keeps bein' lifted up all of the web....Dino-day by Dino-day.  Truly truly this is  a magnificantly marvelous way of showin' how not only his artistic abilities as singer and actor and comic  are continuin' to be craved by pallies of all ages and stages, but how his personal life accomplishments are constantly continuin' to  bein' lauded and praised,  settin' an extraordinary example of exemplary accomplishemnts.....and one of the huge huge reasons for our deepest of deep  devotion to our Dino.  

On this sixth day of Dino-amore month  we return to the writin's of Mr. Eddie Deezen, character actor par excellent, who's  role in the big screen version of "Grease" first brought him fame and fortune, In today's post, "When Dean Martin Called His Shot,"   Long time readers of ilovedinomartin will know that Eddie is a huge huge devotee of our King of Cool and the cool cool way that our Dino lived his life to the fullest.

Recently Eddie's Dino-devotion 'bout the time when our Dino knocked the mop tops off the charts was shared at the blog "TODAY I FOUND OUT" and, likes it is from there that  today's post originates.   We totally totally digs how deeply Eddie is to our most beloved Dino as it simply leaps off the page as you read his retellin' of that fab day in 1964 when our King of Cool became King of the Hill when his signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" knocked the Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" off the top of the pop charts.

Likes we knows that we have posted a similiar ver-si-on of today's Dino-devotion likes more then once in the past, but likes when this powerful pose accentin' our Dino came 'cross our desk, we likes just knew that we woulda wants to share it with all youse Dino-philes  durin' Dino-amore month. This powerful prose was first shared at Eddie's personal pad ""

As we have mentioned before, there is only one error in Eddie's reportin'.  Accordin' to THE DEFINITE Dino-bio, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Living" by Nick Tosches, it was actually our Dino's most beloved boypallie namesake, Dino Jr. who our great great man promised “I’m gonna knock your pallies off the charts,” and not his younger boypallie Ricci as mentioned.  Otherwise, Eddie's homage to the transformin' power of our Dino is purely perfect in everyway.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Mr. Eddie Deezen for his most lovin'ly  scribed amore of our Dino and to the pallies at "TODAY I FOUND OUT" for sharin' this greatest of great Dino-accomplishment  in such a stunnin'ly stellar way!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

When Dean Martin Called His Shot

Ricci Martin, son of the world-famous singer Dean, was just like most any other teenager in the early months of 1964. Ricci was totally crazy about and obsessed with the Beatles. Ever since the Beatles arrival in America a few months previously, they had captivated teenagers far and wide and taken the entire country by storm. They were making appearances on TV, their new film “A Hard Day’s Night” was a smash hit, and their songs were blasting out of every radio on the continent. The records: “She Loves You”, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”, “Please Please Me”, et al. were inevitably turning up on the record charts- in the number one spot. And now it was August of 1964 and the theme song to their brilliant first film “A Hard Day’s Night” was sitting brightly atop the charts.
And so it was, a few months previous, that Ricci Martin was raving on and on about “the Beatles this” and “the Beatles that” and “Beatles Beatles Beatles”. Dean Martin, star of stage, screen, television, Las Vegas, and the record world, not being a fan of Rock and Roll at all got fed up one day and with a bravado that would have put Muhammad Ali to shame confidently told Ricci, “I’m gonna knock your pallies off the charts.”
This was particularly bold considering Dino hadn’t had a hit record in six years. And come on man, these guys were the Beatles!
In 1962, Dean Martin had signed a recording contract with Reprise Records, a company owned by his close friend and comrade-in-arms Frank Sinatra. In 1963, Reprise signed a man named Jimmy Bowden to their A & R department. Bowden very much wanted to record an album with Dean Martin. Dean, always an easy-going guy, agreed to work with Bowden. But Dean wanted to record an album of soft, moody, Las Vegas-type songs. It was to be a typical “Dean Martin album”- slow ballads and love songs sung by the droopy-eyed crooner.
The album was ultimately called “Dream with Dean”. The recording studio was set up in a moody light to create the proper atmosphere for the theme while recording. They got together a small band and Dino quickly and smoothly recorded the first 11 songs for the album.
The 12th he just hated. It was an old song that had been around for a couple decades called “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime”. Dean had to be coaxed into recording the number, but after some pushing, he finally agreed. The tune had already been recorded by several other artists like Frank Sinatra, Peggy Lee and Dinah Washington. The song had never gone anywhere and seemed destined to be a small, trivial and quickly forgotten number in recording history. However, “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime” had been written by Dean’s close friend and piano player, Ken Lane. This factor likely had a lot to do with Dean recording a song he couldn’t stand, to help a pal get some extra royalties.
When Dean’s album came out, the song was given little notice and raised no stir. But then, early in 1964, Dean recorded the song again as a single. It was given a new arrangement with Dean speeding up the tempo a bit and adding a more contemporary sound to it.
At first, once again, the song went nowhere and Reprise decided to stop promoting it. But radio stations in New Orleans and Worchester, Mass. continued to play it. It spread from there to other stations and gradually gained popularity.
Lo and behold- on August 15, 1964, just as he had boasted to his skeptical son, “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime” actually knocked the Beatles out of the #1 spot on the Billboard “Hot 100″ record charts. Needless to say, Dean reportedly gloated to his son, according to Ricci Martin.
And thus, Dean Martin, in all probability, became the one and only known person to correctly predict that he was going to knock the Beatles out of the number one spot on the charts and actually do it!
“Billboard Top Five Songs”- August 15, 1964
1. “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime”- Dean Martin
2. “Where Did Our Love Go?”- The Supremes
3. “A Hard Day’s Night”- The Beatles
4. “Rag Doll”- The Four Seasons
5. “Under the Boardwalk”- The Drifters


  1. Numbers 2-5 couldn't have been easy to trump. But our Dino did it! Thanks, of course, to sensible consumers.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we loves your insight..."Thanks, of course, to sensible consumers." We majorly marvel how our Dino did and still does appeal to pallies of all ages and stages 'cause that's what it took for him to be numero uno! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino~

  3. The way i heard it was that Everybody Loves Somebody was the REPLACEMENT for the song he hated.
    So they needed one more.
    Jeannie suggested Ken Lanes Everybody Loves Somebody so that's what he cut.
    It's hard to believe that Dean hated it.
    Man i hope he didn't cause he had to sing it for the next 25 years.

  4. The way i heard it was that Everybody Loves Somebody was the REPLACEMENT for the song he hated.
    So they needed one more.
    Jeannie suggested Ken Lanes Everybody Loves Somebody so that's what he cut.
    It's hard to believe that Dean hated it.
    Man, i hope he didn't hate it cause he had to sing it for the next 25 years.

  5. The way i heard it was that Everybody Loves Somebody was the REPLACEMENT for the song he hated.
    So they needed one more.
    Jeannie suggested Ken Lanes Everybody Loves Somebody so that's what he cut.
    It's hard to believe that Dean hated it.
    Man, i hope he didn't hate it cause he had to sing it for the next 25 years.

  6. Hey pallie, likes thanks dude for droppin' by and sharin' some patter...we hopes you will do so 'gain soon! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
