Friday, February 06, 2015

I think, we should listen to the great voice of Dean Martin this weekend and relax.

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that this weekend edition  of ilovedinomartin is bein' shared a bit early and this  post ain't the Dino-amorin' post that we had planned, but there are Dino-days ahead in Dino-amore month to do so.  When we came 'cross the followin' massive massive 'mount of Dino-lovin' likes we just knew that we had to pass it on to all you Dino-amorin' pallies.  From our most devoted Malaysian Dino-devotee Din Merican, who's most recent Dino-appreciato we shared  here as our first post of the new Dino-year, comes more Dino-adulation tagged "Your Weekend Entertainment–Dean Martin," from his blog "DIN MERICAN: THE MALAYSIAN DJ BLOGGER."

Din officially is tagged Mr. Mohd Kanal bin Abdullah," but as you will note by this post in addition to callin' himself Din Merican, he goes by the nick name "DINOBEANO" and truly truly that indeeds shows how deeply devoted he is to our most beloved Dino!  Two thin's we have come to know 'bout Din are that he has perfectly powerful passion for the well being of his native land, Malaysia, and he has purely powerful  passion for our King of Cool.  In this most recent post you see both shinin' out brightly!

We have chosen to share Din's post on this first weekend of Dino-amore month 2015 cause (1) it 'gain reinforces the truly truly internationale nature of deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino, and in addition to Din 'gain postin' the full "DINO: The Essential Dean Martin" al-b-um as a youtube vid, some of his Dino-addicted pallies have posted  abundantly more Dino-delight in their comments to Din.  You will note that we gets to groove on classic Dino-croons likes "Gentle On My  Mind" and "Welcome To My World" among others as well as the full full roast of our Dino!  There is truly truly 'nough of our Dino to surely satisfy the completest of complete cravin's of Dino-addicts everywhere on this first weekend of Dino-amore month.

ilovedinomartin salutes our totally-sold-out-to-Dino Malaysian pallie DINOBEANO for sharin' his absolutely awesome affection for our most beloved Dino with his blog readership helpin' many many more into the Dino-fold!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Deeply Diggin' Dino, DMP

Your Weekend Entertainment–Dean Martin


February 1, 2015

Your Weekend Entertainment–Dean Martin

To CLF, Nora, and Friends,

Yes, I have abandoned my weekend DJ role for a while.  The reason is that it is a difficult Kamsiah and Din at this time to be in the mood for songs and music, given the politics of Malaysia, and the state of the Malaysian economy which many of Economist friends claim is fundamentally sound.Frankly, I do not know what they mean.

As far as I am concerned, we are going to be in a sorry state this Year of the Goat. It is frustrating to note that our leaders and their advisers  are playing footsy, instead of getting their job done. Let us to stop blaming others for our problems. For example, those who want to take action against forex traders who are shorting the ringgit should think before they leap. They forget that their policies are creating opportunities for speculators to make money at our expense.

That said, I think, we should listen to  the great voice of Dean Martin this weekend and relax. I also dedicate Dean’s songs to my dear wife, Dr. Kamsiah who is now in Lisbon attending an advanced dental course by Dr. Palo Malo at the Malo Clinic in Lisbon, Portugal for a few days before visiting London.  Have a great weekend to all of you wherever you may be right now.–Din Merican


  1. I agree - a wise man and great read.

    Thanks for bringing this our way!

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Hey pallie, likes indeed Danny-o, as always you speaketh the Dino-truth! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, indeed Scotty, you and Danny-o knoweth the truth when youse read it! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
