Thursday, February 05, 2015

Dean Martin by Charlie Cummings

Hey pallies, likes as there are unendin' and  innumerable ways why Dino-holics likes us amores our most beloved Dino, and in turn there are also unendin' and innumerable ways for pallies likes us to show our love to and for our King of Cool.  Here at ilovedinomartin we particularly  enjoy sharin' the many and varied ways that folks use their artistic gifts to hugely homage our Dino.   And, likes today on this fifth day of Dino-amore month  we have the perfect pleasure of sharin' one  artist's recent Dino-depiction.

From the self-tagged blog, "Charlie Cummings" we share with youse Mr. Cummings' pastel drawin' impression of our Dino.  Cummings bio tells us that he is "based in Denver, Colorado" and "is a freelance artist that has been drawing since the age of seven."  We loves how Cummings has captured our Dino's randiest  rovin' eyes and that deeply delightful Dino-buddha-grin of his.

We thanks Mr.Charlie Cummings for makin' our Dino the object of his artistic talents and addin' to our deepenin' Dino-devotion.   If any of your Dino-holics are interstin' it obtainin' Cummings' Dino-impression simply clicks  here to go to Charlie's home pad.   Dino-artistically, DMP

Dean Martin

Dean Martin


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