Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dean Martin Is Having Babies

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram is gonna brings the biggest of big Dino-buddha-grins to all youse Dino-holics' faces.  Our ever-searchin'-for-most-Dino-devotion pallie Danny-o of "Sunday Serenade With Dean Martin" fame sent me an email directin' me to a vid on Amazon tagged "The Partridge Family: Dean Martin Is Sick" promotin' the upcomin' release of season two of the Partridge Family on disc.  To goes there, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

Well, we weren't able to copy that vid to this post, so with much Dino-inspiration we went on over to youtube and typed in the tags Partridge Family and Dean Martin to the search box, and without much effort came upon a fuller version of the vid posted there for all our Dino-viewin' pleasure.  To grooves on the section "Dean Martin" it begins 'round the 5:35 point.

Likes ain't gonna gives 'way who has been tagged with the blessed name of our most beloved Dino, but we guarantee youse that youse are goin' to have the bestest of best time watchin' this.  How wonderful is it to find our swingin' man bein' lifted up in this way in this early seventies swingin' small screen series.  We're sure that many many youth of that day began their Dino-journey by viewin' this episode of "The Partridge Family."

We sez thank you very much to our pallie of pallies Danny-o for bringin' this delightful Dino-reference to our attentionado.  Dino-swingin', DMP

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