Sunday, November 23, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane"

 Man o man pals...Have I gots us a COM PLETE LY SWINGIN' jam for this week's Serenade!!!

Yea yea yea...I knows what youse is thinkin'..."He ALWAYS says that!" Haha!
 I REALLY mean it though pals! I it MY fault that Dean gets me jumpin'?!!! Ha!

 Now I don't know if any of youse out there, readin' this very blog, are into dancin' & romancin'... But OMG pallies...If this one don't gets youse groovin'...youse just mights need to be on life support!!! Haha!
Hey pal...can youse play those marimbas  louder? Hahaha!!!

 What a groovin' tune to get the blood pumpin' on a FRILLY & CHILLY day like this!
 WOW...what a vid too pals!!! Some of THE most BEA U TI FUL dames of days gone by! Man, now THAT'S what a movie star is SUPPOSED to look like! What we got's today just don't compare, pallies.

 OK mi amici...let's turn this one up EXTRA loud. Clear the dance floor...hahaha! Make way for "The Naughty Lady Of Shady Lane"!!! Enjoy! 

The naughty lady of shady lane had hit the town like a bomb
The back fence gossips ain't been this good since Mabel ran off with Tom
Our town was peaceful and quiet before she came on the scene
The lady has started a riot disturbing the suburban routine
Oh the naughty lady of shady lane has the town in a whirl
The naughty lady of shady lane me oh my oh what a girl
You should see how see carries on with her admirers galore
She must be giving them quite a thrill the way they flock to her door
She throws those come-hither glances at every Tom, Dick and Joe
When offered some liquid refreshment the lady never never says no
Oh the naughty lady of shady lane has the town in a whirl
The naughty lady of shady lane me oh my oh what a girl
The things they're trying to pin on her won't hold much water I'm sure
Beneath the powder and fancy lace there beats a heart sweet and pure
She just needs someone to change her then she'll be nice as can be
If you're in the neighborhood stranger you're welcome to drop in and see
The naughty lady of shady lane so delightful to hold
The naughty lady of shady lane she's delectable quite respectable
And she's only nine days old

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