Friday, November 21, 2014

His performance.....reminded us of the late great Dean Martin......

Hey pallies, likes does all youse Dino-philes remember the name of Mr. Johnny Depp bein' dropped  as the numero uno actor bein' sought to play our most beloved Dino in his big screen bio?   Well, today's Dino-gram is likes some proof positive that in at least some pallies' point of view Mr. Depp reminds 'em of our King of Cool.

From the concise blog, " 2 Paragraphs - Short Smart Shareable" comes the purely powerful post, "Johnny Depp Does Awesome Dean Martin Impersonation" that describes Depp's performance at the recent Hollywood Film Awards  on CBS as bein' in the Dino-mode.

As you will read below, the scriber of  said prose is reminded of our King of Cool by Johnny's actions on the broadcast sayin'...." His performance, whether he was really drunk or just pretending, reminded us of the late great Dean Martin, an actor who capitalized on his laid-back persona and making snappy if slurred remarks about fellow celebrities during his roasts."

We thanks the pallies at "2 Paragraphs" for sharin' this great post comparin' Mr. Johnny Depp's style with that of our most beloved Dino.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  BTW dudes, likes anybody heard any Dino-word 'bout the progress of bringin' the Dino-epic to the big screen?   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Johnny Depp Does Awesome Dean Martin Impersonation

by 2Paragraphs in Culture | November 15, 2014


Johnny Depp, Hollywood Film Awards (CBS)

Johnny Depp is getting knocked around for appearing drunk on stage at the CBS broadcast, Hollywood Film Awards. Depp was chosen to honor Hollywood agent Shep Gordon, the subject of Mike Myers’ new documentary Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon. Gordon was the agent for Alice Cooper and Blondie, among other musicians.

Depp stumbled with the microphone stand (which was enormous, in his defense), kept his head low and mumbled about “not being very good at these things.” His performance, whether he was really drunk or just pretending, reminded us of the late great Dean Martin, an actor who capitalized on his laid-back persona and making snappy if slurred remarks about fellow celebrities during his roasts.

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