Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin 1960

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Hey pallies, as we continue with our month-long celebration of "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth," we are 'gain thrilled to be able to share some delightful Dino-devotion for our ever-growin'-deeper-in-Dino pallie Scotty.  Likes it was one year ago on our Dino's birthday that our Scotty posted his first ever piece of Dino-devotion in homage of the anniversary of our Dino's descent to earth, and likes they sez, the rest is Dino-history!

Today we share Scotty's most recent Dino-discovery from his cool cool blog, "BlueisKewl.  And it is so so appro as we homage the coolest dude to ever occupy the planet.  Likes gotta 'fess up dudes that Scotty has done it 'gain...shared a Dino-pose that we have never laid eyes on before.....our most beloved Dino in the recordin' studio with liquid libation in one hand and ever present smoke in the other.  We totally totally digs the Dino-look....coolest of cool threads, coolest of cool hat, coolest of cool pose, coolest of cool pose.

We here at ilovedinomartin are simply delighted to see how our pallie Scotty is growin' daily in his appreciato of our Dino, and sharin' it with his blog readership....and we are most most delighted to shares it all with youse.   Thanks Scotty, and we'll be so so lookin' forward to your next installment of deep, pure, and true devotion to our main man.   To checks out Scotty work in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.    Dino-delightfully, DMP

 Dean Martin 1960

By Bernie Abramson.


  1. Thank you so much for your kind words my friend.

    I hope to be posting some photos of Dean and Jerry soon if i can remember where i saw them. lol

    Thank you for all your hard work year round - i loom forward to all your postings.

    Have a safe and happy week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes you are most welcome Scotty dude! Will looks forward to more Dino-posts from you at your coolest of cool pads! Stay Dino-focused man!
