Thursday, June 05, 2014

On June 7 we will pay tribute to Dean Martin to honor him on what would be his 97th birthday!

Hey pallies, likes the first post has rolled in of a Dino-celebration in honor of our great man's great day of birth...."The Day That Coolness Came To Earth."  From the blog pad "Bell Acres" which is the home web base for Bell Acres Resort located in Maysville, GA. comes news of "Dean Martin Trivia on June 7 at their club.  Likes before we goes on, let us just say that we here at ilovedinomartin never ever woulda calls anythin' connected with our most beloved Dino as "trivia," but likes we does know that trivia games are all the rage these days at all sorts of waterin' holes where pallies gather.

So, likes we are delighted to know that even though nothin' and we means nothin' 'bout the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino oughta ever be spoken of as trivial....we are psyched to see Dino-knowledge bein' shared 'round some liquid libations....helpin' ever more pallies to gets in the Dino-groove and grow in their Dino-edification!

Doin' a bit of researchin' at the "Bell Acres" pad, we noted that this is sorta a unique resort and if you are plannin' on attendin', you will want to learn more 'bout this pad first.  We certainly hopes this post will encourage other clubbin' scenes to consider holdin' Dino-informational contests on the day of his entry onto our planet as well.  Thanks to the pallies at "Bell Acres" for liftin' up and celebratin' our Dino in this coolest of cool ways.  To checks this out, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-entry.  Dino-studyin', DMP

Dean Martin Trivia

deanOn June 7 we will pay tribute to Dean Martin to honor him on what would be his 97th birthday! Trivia will be at 1 or 2 with the categories being:
  •  ”A” in Drinking (all answers – about adult beverages – begin with “A”)
  •  Other Italian-American Singers
  •  Also Starring (some of Dean’s movie co-stars)
  •  The Golddiggers (It was the name of the team of women who backed him on his TV show)
  •  Rhymes with “Dean”
  •  Celebrity Roasts (people who were “honored” on the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts TV show).
Prizes will be spaghettigiven for the trivia winner.
Martinis will be in abundance and a spaghetti dinner will be the evening meal.  Call 706-677-2931 for more information and reservations! Hope to see you there!


  1. Can you believe that Dino would have been 97 this week! It is so hard to believe that time marches forward so fast.

    I am sure more then a few people will be enjoying a cocktail or two in memory of Dino's Birthday.

    Thank you for your never ending hard work.


  2. Hey pallie, liks Scotty, you are so so correct....97 years of spreadin' cool on our planet! Keeps lovih', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
