Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Memorable Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes in this marvelous month of deepest devotion to our most beloved Dino on "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth," we here at ilovedinomartin are 'specially lookin' for unique ways of homagin' our main man on his main day of entrance onto our planet.  Yesterday, while doin' our usual 20 pages of searchin' Dino-devotion through the medium of google blog search, we were thrilled, yes pallies, thrilled beyond measure to be directed to new-to-ilovedinomartin  powerfully poetic internationale blog, "PoetsIndia.com - Express your Thoughts, Feelings, and Emotions."

An obviously in-the-Dino-know and Dino-diggin' Indian Lady tagged Jayati has scribed a tremendous tribute poetically to our Dino, "Memorable Dean Martin."  And, likes ain't it so so cool that her recent placement usin' her Dino-creativity has come just days before we celebrate our King of Cool's descent to earth!  Miss Jayati indeed has thoroughly expressed her transparent thoughts, her fantastic feelings, and her everlastin' emotions for our Dino in this word picture of deepest and purest and truest devotion to our most beloved Dino.

Likes pallies, words can not express our thrill of findin' these wondrous wise words of homage to our Dino imparted in poetic form from Indian poet Miss Jayati, 'gain provin' that there is simply no end to the wonderful variety of ways of showin' devotion to our Dino and that indeed the transformin' power of our Dino is universal in scope.....and truly truly knows no bounds.

We are honored beyond measure to be able to share this passionately poetic prose of "Memorable Dean Martin" by Miss Jayati, and offer our deepest Dino-appreciato for her beautiful tribute to our Dino.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-raptured, DMP

Memorable Dean Martin

Evergreen voice everlasting
Pious melody sacred composition
Dean Martin
Honey, dew, stars, sun and moon
Petal soft, tender caress, nostalgic tune.
Childhood, adult, love and tears
Memories of yesteryears.
Immortal Dean Martin his vocals;
Ephemeral Christmas.
Emphysema end the body one day
Relationship forever to stay.
Warm, dear feelings rekindle heart;
Forever impart
Soothing our soul, sweet swoon
Creating choreography celestial, divine.

This poem was posted in Personalities on May 27, 2014 by Jayati.
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  1. Man that's some deep deep poetry! Hahaha! Love it!

  2. Hey pallie, indeed Danny-o, and so well timed we might add! Keeps lovin', keeps diggin' our most beloved Dino!
