Saturday, January 04, 2014

"......and nobody can say anything bad about Dean without having to deal with me first!!!!!"

 Hey pallies, likes we are simply thrilled to for a second day to turn to our new found Deanager Kyle at       "TheVoyager" for a bit more of his deep  Dino-devotion.  Yester-Dino-day we shared with our pallies some choice scribed thoughts on our most beloved Dino's small screen wintery adventures, and today we share a very brief, but oh so powerful paragraph from more of Kyle's musical musin's tagged, "Kyle’s Christmas Jams."

Kyle shares his fav seasonal tunes from a variety of musical artists, but as in true Deanager fashion, Kyle reserves his coolest comments for our King of Cool.  'gain Kyle powerfully proclaims his adulation of our great great man with his great great thoughts....." Dean is my all-time favorite singer, and nobody can say anything bad about Dean without having to deal with me first!!!!!"  Likes 'dem are wondrous words spoken in the most Dino-hearted of ways!!!!!

And, we learn that Kyle's fav of fav Dino-seasonal croons is none other that "Marshmallow World"....which just happens to be the hands down fav of a number of us Dino-bros here at ilovedinomartin....namely Danny G., Ed, and myself.  So, we likes are totally totally delighted to learn that Deanager Kyle is lovin'  it as well!

Likes 'gain, we are absolutely psyched to share more of Kyle's Dino-devotional patter.  With pallies like Kyle 'round we just know that the Dino-light will continue to glow Dino-bright for Dino-ever!  Likes it is just so so refreshin' to find someone of Kyle's youth so so diggin' our most beloved Dino!

To checks out Kyle's bold broadcast of Dino-passion at it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  ilovedinomartin salutes Deanager Kyle for his open affirmation of his passion for our most beloved Dino.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP  btw, simply can't resist sharin' our fav youtube clip of our Dino croonin' his bestest of best wintery croon, "Marshmallow World."

 Dean is my all-time favorite singer, and nobody can say anything bad about Dean without having to deal with me first!!!!! Dean’s Christmas album definitely is a classic. My favorite is ‘Marshmallow World,” because it’s so catchy! Although nobody, and I mean nobody can top Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas,” Dean does a good job at trying. Dean does a hilarious rendition of “Baby, it’s Cold Outside.” Finally, Dean Martin shines in a completely improvised rendition of “Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer,” and at some point goes into speaking like Santa Claus with a German accent. It captures so much of his classic Rat pack shows. He’s got a fun album everyone will enjoy, so you gotta buy this one.

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