Sunday, January 05, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "June In January"

Welcome to 2014 pals! The new year isn't wastin' NO time showin' us EXACTLY whose boss! Mother Nature just got done SLAMMIN' us with 'bout 12" of frosty powder & this is just a SMALL taste of what's to come I'm sure!

O well...guess we gots to expect it pallies.  Ain't that bad really...I just grab my trusty ipod...slap in my headphones...quick shot o' booze & I'm outty! Tundra bound pals! Hahaha! Little snow can't keep a good Dino-holic down!!!

Now listen...this week's Serenade is meant for motivational purposes only. "June In January" just might be the perfecto blend of smoothness & romantico sentiment to help gets youse through this cold cold winter! It's DEF I NATE LY warmin' to the heart & VERY cool to the soul! Mix that with your FAV O RITE liquid pleasure & Spring is just a shake of the dice away!!!

 OK pals, let's do it. Sit back & soak this one in. Take Dino by the hand...let him show youse the way. Blink your eyes & it's June. We got this! Enjoy.  

It's June in January
Because I'm in love
It always is spring in my heart
With you in my arms
The snow is just white blossoms
That fall from above
And here is the reason, my dear
Your magical charms
The night is cold
The trees are bare
But I can feel the scent of roses in the air
It's June in January
Because I'm in love
But only because I'm in love with you
(The night is cold)
(The trees are bare)
But I can feel the scent of roses in the air
It's June in January
Because I'm in love
But only because I'm in love with you

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