Friday, January 03, 2014

Dean Martin, my all-time favorite entertainer, he had a bunch of Christmas specials

Hey pallies, likes just when we thought we would move outta our Dino-wintery mode ('cause we have likes just a ton of cool Dino-devotion that we have been savin' up to share with all youse Dino-philes) it appears likes we will be sharin' a bit more Dino-seasonal devotion here at ilovedinomartin.  Likes it we don't share it nowse, it is so so likely it will never see the light of Dino-day here.

Yester-Dino-day as we were doin' our usual 20 pages of Dino-blog searchin' thanks to our pallies at google, on the last page of Dino-entries we came 'cross a post tagged  "How TV Commercialized Christmas" from the blog "The Voyager."

The prose was scribed by a young man tagged Kyle  whose bio tells us that he's "a sophomore" in high school.  Kyle further states  "This is my first year with the Voyager, which I hope will become many. I’m an old soul. My favorite singer is the late great king of cool himself, Mr. Dean Martin."

Indeed, it was these words that stood out in Kyle's Christmas prose...." Dean Martin, my all-time favorite entertainer, he had a bunch of Christmas specials...." that drew ilovedinomartin into sharin' this Dino-devotion with you.  As you will soon read below, Deanager Kyle is already deeply into the Dean scene as he shares his Dino-seasonal knowledge with his fellow students.

ilovedinomartin shares below the Dino-focused excerpt from Kyle's larger scribin's.  How truly truly thrillin' it is pallies to find 'nother of today's outstandin' youth who has turned on to our great great man.
Our new pallie Kyle as you seen below has boldly broadcast his devotion to our Dino, and certainly  Kyle will be helpin' many many more of his fellow students to get into growin' in the Dino-way!

We salute true true Deanager Kyle  for spreadin'  Dino-love in his remarkable reflections on our Dino's wintery time small screen work.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-psyched, DMP

 Dean Martin, my all-time favorite entertainer, he had a bunch of Christmas specials, although he didn’t do them as long as the others. 

Beginning in 1949, he was given a radio show on NBC called ‘The Martin & Lewis Show.” It was on for three years on radio. During this time, Dean & Jerry yucked it up with outrageously hilarious Christmas shows, doing the wildest sketches you could imagine. But at the end of every one, they’d raise money for Muscular Dystrophy, a charity close to Lewis’ heart. In 1950, they also hosted ‘The Colgate Comedy Hour,” and did their crazy comedy routines on TV, and also raised money for muscular Dystrophy every Christmas. In 1956, the duo broke up. Of course, the MDA kept Lewis on, and they then started doing telethons every labor day.

 Martin, however, did his own charity funds on his annual Christmas specials, and he had a big show with a lot of his celebrity friends and each show had a specific theme. There was one with “3 great crooners”: Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Dean himself. Then there was the tribute to Frank Sinatra, with Don Knotts guesting as “Sinatra”, and also, there was a big Rat Pack Christmas special. Doing these, Dean would ask his celebrity friends to pitch in to help him buy presents for the kids in hospitals, and got celebrities to dress as Santa and deliver them.

 In 1965, he started his own solo TV show, and they got even bigger, because he spent most of the month doing Christmas stuff. He had big guests on every show, and Bob Hope would pop out of Dean’s closet to do a quick rendition of “Silver Bells.” He would invite all the friends and family of the cast and crew to join in for the last half hour to sing some carols.

 In 1968, he had a very famous special, where it was only Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, and their families. That was quite an array of talent, because Dean’s sons (Dino and Ricci), his daughters (Deana and Gail), and his wife Jeanne were very famous entertainers already. Frank’s son Frankie, and his daughters Nancy and Tina were also popular singers, not to mention his wife, Mia Farrow. That was a big show, and it was such a hit because it had Dean & Frank clowning around and having a good time.

 Dean’s TV series ended in 1974, but even after that, he was still hosting Christmas shows, and did them until his semi-retirement in 1984, but he occasionally appeared on TV specials of his friends like Bo Hope and Frank Sinatra. 


  1. I really miss our Dino's Christmas shows. They were all wonderful!

    Our Dino made Christmas bright.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW you ain't gonna gets any argument from me....our Dino always did, always will make the wintery time bright!
    Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Great job by our youngin' pal Kyle! Truly the bestest part of Christmastime for me is all the Dino in the air!!!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o ain't it just so so truly refreshin' to know that more and more of today's youth are actively pursuin' the Dino-way! And indeed, likes I just always feels so so wonderful when I hear a Dino-seasonal croon! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
