Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Dean Martin was a seasoned cigarette smoker

Hey pallies, likes dudes, likes we all knows that one of our most beloved Dino most recognized trademarks was his ever present cigarette.  Well today's Dino-devotion from the cleverly tagged smokin' blog, "Zigaretz" likes puts the accent on our Dino's smokin' habit.  And, likes we thanks the pallies at google Dino-'lerts for puttin' us on to this Dino-reflection.

Likes there are a number of references to our Dino that are totally totally inaccurate, which of course distracts from this post.  For example, our Dino enjoyed a variety of different brands of smokes durin' his lifetime, but much of his adult life was spent with a Kent Cigarette between his fingers.  Likes not really sure what the dude who scribed this thoughts means by '"Freddie Mercury"' cigarettes was his favorite brand throughout the life.

The poster has included a quartet of very very cool Dino-smokin' poses and you will find the extra three of 'em at the end of this Dino-report.  Likes always great to have our Dino lifted up by so so many different bloggers likes for so so many different Dino-reasons.  ilovedinomartin thanks the pallies at "Zigaretz" for homagin' our Dino.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

 Posted Jul, 03, 2013      

Dean Martin

Dino Paul Crocetti popularly known as Dean Martin was born on 07 June, 1917 in Steubenville in Ohio, United States. Following various characters and profiles throughout his life Dean Martin had been popularly known American Entertainer in all as a musician, singer, actor, film producer and a comedian. Dean Martin for his effortlessly assured performance was nicknamed by his fans as ‘King of Cool’. Dean Martin was a host of various television sitcoms and his shrilling songs that had a different husk which was because of his smoking habit benchmarked a cult classic style of all time especially most popular at the mid of 20th century.

Dean Martin was a seasoned cigarette smoker ‘Freddie Mercury’ cigarettes was his favorite brand throughout the life which he probably started smoking at the age of 16. Dean Martin apart from being one of the most popular celebrities with endless fame and a known face suffered badly with untreated diseases. Dean was detected with AIDS dx in the year 1991 at the age of 45 he also suffered from lung cancer, emphysema and alzheimers which were also reported to be detected in the year 1991. With elongated treatments and increasing depression Dean quit smoking but his diseases made him unable to manage his life normally. Dean died at the age of 78 in 1995 leaving behind his classic possession of talent in music, stage shows and characters which today are one of the finest classics of all time.


  1. I'm not certain that our Dino suffered from Alzheimer's Disease. For one thing, his respiratory illnesses resulted, no doubt, in low oxygen levels, and such low levels can mimic Alzheimer's, particularly in AD's early stages.

    As I've mentioned before, my father-in-law was one of our Dino's respiratory therapists, and he never mentioned AD. My FIL knew a great deal about the disease because my MIL suffered from it. What my FIL did mention was how depressed our Dino was -- because of the loss of Dino, Jr. The loss of the will to live and all that.

  2. Hey pallie, exactly Miss Carol...I have no idear where these pallies likes got that notion from. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes thanks Miss AOW for sharin' these Dino-insights....our Dino bein' a fatalist accepted the death of his most beloved boypallie, but it made him lose his zest for life. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Impossible Dean did not suffer from AIDS

  5. Impossible Dean did not suffer from AIDS

  6. Unknown,
    According to medical records, which a friend of mine had access to because he worked at the LA Hospitals, Dean Martin did not suffer from AIDS. He had lung cancer, prostate cancer, and emphysema.

  7. Considering his lifestyle it's highly likely he did have Aids amongst many other sexually transmitted diesases,his alcohol abuse was legendary and that would have turned his brain to jelly.
    It's amazing he functioned at all for the last 20 years of his life.
    I guess with the best medical care money can buy it was doable.

  8. He did not have AIDS & for the most part his drinking was all an act. He was Diagnosed with lung cancer & emphysema. Yes he did stop smoking at the end. You have to realize he gave up when Dean Paul died.

  9. Hey pallie, likes Nonna, thanks for your words of support for our one and only Dino...keeps lovin' our most beloved DINO!
