Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dino's Bed and Pool Photoset

Hey pallies, likes man-o-man dudes, likes, likes the more ilovedinomartin digs into this tumblr site, likes the more and more amazin' Dino-adulation that we're findin'....and likes pallies, it is simply of the coolest  of cool kind.  Likes ilovedinomartin found the followin' series of stunnin'ly stellar swank images of our Dino as Matt Helm from "The Silencers" with his likes totally rad round bed that dumps into his pool.

The tumblr blog this massive piece of Dino-devotion comes from is tagged "That's Amore" and the Dino-holic pallie there tags themself, "dinosaysthatsamore."  The blogger's mission state proudly proclaims, "A most wonderful blog dedicated to the King of Cool, Dean Martin."  And, likes dudes you ain't gonna gets any Dino-disagreement from ilovedinomartin 'bout that fact.

Likes I wishes that the blogger woulda shared some info 'bout themself and their passion for our most beloved Dino, but likes I couldn't find anythin' to identify them  Just guessin' that it musta be 'nother of today's youth are are becomin' likes so greatly greatly  smitten by our great great man.  Likes knows that ilovedinomartin is goin' to be sharin' tons of delightful Dino-treasure from this tumblr Dino-blog.  ilovedinomartin salutes the pallie who is makin' their Dino-devotion so openly known and you can checks it out  yourself simply by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-report.  Dino-swanked, DMP


  1. Fantastic post again. Your photograph connections are really good.

    Sometimes I wish you were in Singapore. We could really make something out of all this because from the 50s onwards in Singapore Dino was the best seller where pop vinyls were concerned. Nearly every person who loves western pop discussed Dean Martin. Many of us saw most of his movies at this theatre in town called the Odeon and the Cathay. When the movies went to the suburbs, they were always shown at the Roxy Cinema near the beach in the East Coast.
    'Jumping Jacks', 'The Caddy' and 'Boeing Boeing' with a whole lot more movies that I can never forget.

    'Jumping Jacks' I saw in an open field with an old projector screening it and about 30 people at this Community Centre. Whenever the wind blew, the screen (a large white sheet of cloth between two basketball poles) Dino and Jerry blew with it, contorting the b/w images on the sheet. But you know, it was fun and we really enjoyed those years. Besides, it was natural air-conditioning :-)

    There were so many Dean Martin impersonators in Singapore, each one with a cigarette in hand and that half dazed walk that he usually did when he was performing. Of course there was also the glass in hand, half filled with Chinese tea?

    Thanks DMP for preserving this great performer's heritage. Not only will he live forever your name will also be associated with him as one of his biggest and most faithful fans.

    Cheers also for visiting my blog again and again.

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks Andy for these wondrous words of Dino-appreciato...yeah dude it woulda be so so cool to be able grooves on our Dino together... Your Dino-memories are likes the cool to see our most beloved Dino and Jerry on a big whate sheet blowin' in the wind out in the open air.... Likes how great to know that Singapore has also had a ton of Dino-emulators with ever present smokes and drinks in hand, Thanks Andy for your post kindest of kind words. You certainly have made this Dinoholic's day! Keeps lovin' our Dino and likes keeps sharin' those precious precious Dino-memories!
