Monday, July 08, 2013

Dean Martin, though, is my favorite.

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-devotion comes from 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin blog and likes what a crazy-cool-crazy tag it has, "SURROUNDED BY IMBECILES."  Scribed by a professour of history, today's sharin' was inspired by his readin' 'bout the Rat Pack and his interest in "their individual careers."

ilovedinomartin finds it likes the coolest that this dude's fav Rat Packer is none other then our most beloved Dino.  What follows is the professour's pontifications on particular Dino-flicks of the western affiliation that he has had the pleasure of viewin'.  Usin' a mix of prose and pix this blogger's reflections are brief and to the point and very very Dino-honorin'.

We salute this wise professour and his wonderful words of Dino-edification.  To checks it out in it's orginal format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

The Westerns of Dean Martin

I have been reading about the Rat Pack and the exploits of its members – Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop. Together, they were legendary. However, I have been thinking about their individual careers.
Obviously, Frank Sinatra is one of the most famous performers of all time.
Sammy Davis, Jr. also had a great career.
Peter Lawford is probably best known as a Kennedy in-law.
I’m not sure what else Joey Bishop did.
Dean Martin, though, is my favorite. He sang great songs and made great movies. Some of the best movies were Westerns. For a cool crooner, Martin was pretty handy on a horse and with a gun.
In my mind, his best Western was Rio Bravo, starring John Wayne, Ricky Nelson and Walter Brennan. Here’s a trivia question. How many people in Rio Bravo had records that reached Number 1? The movie is about a sheriff who has arrested the brother of a wealthy rancher. He and his deputies have to fight to keep him in jail and to stay alive. Martin plays Dude, a deputy who doubles as the town drunk.Dude
Another great thing, Rio Bravo was filmed at Old Tucson Studios, one of my favorite places to visit.
5 Card Stud is another good one. Martin plays Van Morgan, a gambler who has to solve a series of murders before he becomes the next victim.5 Card Stud
Everyone who is killed was playing in the same card game. It also stars Robert Mitchum and Inger Stevens but suffers from what I call the “law of diminishing suspects”. There are so few suspects that solving the mystery is too easy.
Bandolero! pairs Martin with James Stewart as brothers who have taken different paths but find themselves in trouble together.Bandolero
Along the way, they take Raquel Welch hostage.
My least favorite Dean Martin Western is The Sons of Katie Elder. It stars John Wayne and has the makings of a great story, but the “sons” are mismatched. The youngest “son” is way too young to play the part. I hate to say that a Western starring John Wayne and Dean Martin is bad, so I will say that it’s not very good.
Martin is the gambling brother, Tom Elder, and he follows older brother John in trying to figure out who killed their father. One of the best scenes has Martin playing a “fake eye” trick in a bar.The Sons of Katie Elder
Dean Martin made other Westerns, but these are the ones I have seen. Honestly, I don’t think I could make it through the comedy ones with Frank Sinatra.


  1. My favorite Dino Western is The Sons of Katie Elder. For one thing, it was the first Dino movie that I ever saw..

  2. Hey pallie, likes often it is truly our first Dino-experiences that leave the greatest of great Dino-impressions! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
