Friday, June 07, 2013

Since I Met You Dino........I'm A Happy Man

Hey pallies, likes on this awesome day of homagin' our Dino's entrance onto the planet, ilovedinomartin simply simply must 'gain as it so so often has, share our most most beloved Dino's only MTV vid, "Since I
Met You Baby," created by his amazin' boypallie Ricci James.

On this day, THE DAY THAT COOLNESS CAME TO EARTH,  the plain and simply Dino-truth that ilovedinomartin desires to proclaim is that once our Dino has welcomed a pallie into his world of cool, that pallie is never ever the same 'gain.  Case in point, likes I think that I was 'round nine or ten when I first knew who Dino was, and likes was totally totally entranced by him....and likes I knew that all I desired was to wanna be just like Dino!

Well, dudes that was decades ago, and still my only desire is to grow in knowin' and sharin' the life, times, and teachin's of our King of Cool.....and that is simply and truly what the mission of ilovedinomartin is all 'bout.  Since I Met You Dino, I'm A Happy Man!!!! And, likes all I desires is to have our main man keeps layin' his happiness on me and all his most devoted pallies!  And, likes I simply simply wanna please our great man in any little way that I can!

On this 96th anniversary of your entrance onto our planet, know that pallies all 'round the globe simply can never ever get 'nough of you and never ever will let you be forgotten for even one second!  Truly Dino. you're the man and we are your most devoted fans!  

Likes the words of "Since I Met You Baby" truly truly apply to all Dino-holics everywhere!

Since I met you Dino
My whole life has changed
Since I met you Dino
My whole life has changed
And everybody tells me
That I am not the same
I don't need nobody
To tell my troubles to
I don't need nobody
To tell my troubles to
'Cause since I met you Dino
All I need is you

Since I met you Dino
I'm a happy man
Since I met you Dino
I'm a happy man
I'm gonna try to please you
In every way I can

Indeed, since I first "met" our most beloved Dino, my who life has changed....and never will be be the same.
And, likes of course I don't don't need nobody to tell my troubles too...'cause truly truly all I need is Dino!
And, likes dudes I simply simply can't put words to how happy this dude is cause our Dino is the source of all happiness.  And, likes I always and ever am gonna try to please our most beloved Dino in every way that I can!

Dino-always, only, and ever,
Dino Martin Peters


  1. I wish that our Dino had made more of these music videos. This one what we fans have is so wonderful!

  2. Hey pallie, likes me too, Miss AOW, but if he had, it wouldn't makes this one so so very special...truly Dino-perfect...and if our great man coulda makes only one great music vid...I am thrilled it gotta be "Since I Met You Baby." Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hey pallie...GREAT GREAT Dino-patter! Man, I truly feel the same exact way! Loved Dean from the very first time I seen him & I've never turned away since! Makes me a VERY happy man EVERYDAY of my life! Happiest Birthday Dino! We miss ya'! But we also know that wherever you got a drink in hand & that Dino-grin is entertainin' the room! Love ya' pal!

  4. Hey pallie, likes's great dude o likes call you pallie knowin' that you are likes totally totally sold out to our Dino...the total source of happiness. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
